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General Magmar's pov (let's hope he's okay)

I'm tried.

My entire body hurts.

My head is killing me.

I looked down at my hands, there's these's dark purple vines growing up my arms. Each time they go up my arms they leave this stinging feeling, god this hurts so much.

I moved over to the river and took a glance at my reflection, oh god, this is bad.

The yellow of my lava spots had gone darker to purple, purple vines started to grow on the side of my neck resting under my head, but my eyes though they changed from yellow to black with purple dots floating around in my eyes. Looks like it finally happened, after years of growing up and controlling my powers this finally happened, I have lost control of everything.

I lost control of my free will.

"Stop pouting you big baby, this is a good thing. We can finally do what we were always made to do, we can destroy this kingdom and make one of our own, isn't that what your mother would have wanted?"

"I don't know, I don't think she would have wanted her first born to lose control of his powers. I think she wanted me to control them and use them for good and not bad." The voice was someone I have never heard before, this voice was deep but it sounded like it was a female. But who is she? I don't think I ever met her before.

"You don't need to know who I am, it's not important. What is important is the next step in our plane, we need to create an army. And only you can do it."

"How can I create an army? I'm not that strong." "Yes you are, you just need to close your eyes and focus on what you want your army to look like and how they should obey you. You can do it, open your hands and form them in a circle."

I took and breath and did what the voice said, I opened my hands and formed them in a circle. My eyes shut as I focused. I took a breath and focused, in my mind everything is black I don't see anything. This is a wast of time and - wait, is that dad?

I'm a young boy look like around 5 or 6 I can't remember that well, he was in his study when I came. I was trying to be quite because I didn't want to him to think I was trying to shell one of his books again. "You know your not good at sneaking in my son."

I jumped back when he said something, I looked at him waiting for him to send me out but he didn't he waved his hand and I ran over. He picked me up and set me on his leg, I took a glance at the book he was reading. It was like some sort of book that was filled with monsters, weather they were sown, lava, water, stone I remember seeing over million of monsters in that book.

"Father May I ask, why do you read always read this book?" I remember seeing father look down at my then looked out the window.

"My son, I read this book to understand all sorts of monsters that are out there. You see I read this book to understand them, to know how to defeat them. But I also read it to know how to make them, I believe that with strong magic we can make all sorts of monsters but with the magic we feel inside us we can turn those monsters into good souls to fight to keep many lives safe."

My eyes snapped back opened as I saw thousands of monsters standing around me, they were black and dark purple. They all stood around looking at me. Before I could say anything the voice in my head took control over my body.

"Alright boys, listen up!! Our first job is to find a headcounters so we can hide, then we get weapons that's stronger so we can destroy anything that stands in our way. Then we destroy this sad excuse for a kingdom. Know let's go!!"

The voice said as it made me raise my hand and wave for everyone to come and follow us. I think I was wrong, this is actually gonna be fun.


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