Chapter One: The First Meeting

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Desire's POV

"I now call the first meeting of the best friends club to order." I said.

Me and the girls were in the basement of my house. I am Cole's best friend, and the rest of the girls and I decided that I was a natural born leader, so I am the girl who runs the group. We make sure that the boys stay sane, especially since Dalton left the group and they replaced him with David. The boys have been tense since the switch.

"Mallory, status report." I asked. 

Mallory is both David and Dalton's best friend. She has been keeping in touch with Dalton, but found that her and David also had alot in common, and us friends and the boys liked her, so we were happy that she made friends with David. 

"Dalton seems to be doing fine with his new band, but still keeps in touch with the boys. David seems to be adjusting well, and the boys seem to like him. On the other hand, Dalton and David seem to have some tension between them, and im trying to work on helping them through that." Mallory stated.

"Im happy your working on it. Just dont let there be more tension then there already is, then we might have a break up altogether, and the group is the only thing that the boys truley love." I told her.

I could tell that there was more, but I did not want that much drama for right now.

"Sierra, how are things with Will?" I asked. 

Sierra is Will's best friend, and the two of them could not be more inseparable. If Will did not already have a girlfriend, the two of them would be perfect for each other, but everyone says that.

"Fine," Sierra told me.


Sierra POV

"Fine," I told Desire.

What else was I suppose to tell her? I cnanot tell her what is actually going on in Will's life, especially since he told me not to tell anyone. I mea, how am I suppose to tell the group that him and Mikhaela are fighting constantly, and that Molly, Will's sister, is taking Mikhaela's side? The only time Will has been happy is when he is with the boys singing and when he is with me. I cannot tell the group that. They will try and get involved and what Will needs right now is just some alone time. He just needs to write and relax and not think about it as much as possible.

"Is that really all Sierra?" I hear Desire ask me.

"Yeah, hes fine. Everything is fine." I tell her, but she looks at me like she knows I'm hiding something, but just lets it go.

"Alright," she says.


Desire POV

I could tell that there was more that Sierra wanted to say, but I figured she couldn't, not even if she wanted to. I dont know if its about David or Dalton or his relationship or his family, and I guess I really did not want to know.

"Alright," I said, "Caitlyn, how is Gabe doing?"

Caitlyn is Gabe's best friend, and the two of them have had some rough patches, but they always get through what they fight over, and they go back to normal like nothing ever happened. 

"Gabe is actually doing great all around. He still talks to Dalton, talks to David like he has known him forever, and Jdan and him are getting along just fine now, they just needed a quick break apart."

I knew that Jdan and Gabe had split up for a little while, but I did not know that they had gotten back together.

"When did they get back together?" I asked Caitlyn.

"Oh, just yesterday. They are happy as clams now, they just needed to see how much they really needed each other." Caitlyn told me.

"Perfect," I told her, "I always liked the two of them together. Now, Precious, how is Dana?"

Precious looked a little out of it, but still answered.

"Dana is okay. I think the new member and Dalton leaving has hit him the hardest. He can't sleep at night. He talks to both David and Dalton, but he feels like he is betraying Dalton by talking to David. He can't eat or sleep unless i'm there. He keeps me up all night by calling me, and he has not talked to Randi in almost a week, and she has been trying to talk to me, and I told her what was going on." Precious explained in one breath.

She took a deep breath in and then looked like she was going to cry. Her and Dana have been best friends since they were in dipers, and the two of them go to each other for absolutly everything.

"Poor Dana, maybe we should talk to him," I suggested.


Precious POV

"Poor Dana, maybe we should talk to him," Desire suggested.

"NOOOOOOO!" I shouted. Well, it did wake me up a bit.

"We cannot do that. Dana is upset as it is, and if we display an intervention on him, then we could endanger him leaving the group as well. He just needs some more time to adjust. He needs the boys to support him, not us girls," I stated to Desire, and boy, she did not look happy.


Desire POV

I was not happy with what Precious had just told me, but she did have a point. It is the boys, not anything else. I think they are all having trouble, but are to afraid to admit it.

"Fine," I told her, "He probably just needs some more time to adjust."

"Thank you," she said almost in tears.

"Alright, last person is me," I told the group, "Cole seems to be doing just fine. He is probably the closest it seems with David, and calls Dalton almost every day to see how he is doing. Him and Paige have some ups and downs, but so do normal couples. The one thing that bugs me is that Kaitlyn has not come to see the boys since the switch. I think we need to have the sisters come and visit the boys for a day. Maybe that will cheer them up." I told the girls.

They all agreed with me, so we decided that within the next week the boys were going to visit with their sisters.

"Meeting adjourned." I said and smacked my imaginary gavel. 


Author's note:

This is mostly and introduction to the girls in the club and where the story takes place. I hope you liked it! :)

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