;When You Make Up;

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Charlie Scene

You were upset because Jack had left you, about three months ago. You didn't like him all that much but you didn't like the feeling of being alone.

You were at a corner store buying god knows what, when your ex, Jack walks in with his new girlfriend. He teased you, he was all over his new girlfriend to make you jealous.

You tried to ignore it. You walked to the cashier and saw it was.. Charlie?! Great, both of your ex's in one room, could this get any worse? "(Y/N)? Oh my God.. you're looking great.. where's your boyfriend?", you smiled, "all over some slut in this very store." Charlie frowned, "How about we make him jealous? Sit on the counter and I'll show you how we're gonna do it."

You smirked and jumped up on the counter.. when you both were sure he was looking, Charlie leaned in and kissed you rough, and you returned the same roughness. This was where you realized, you needed him still, he'd never left your heart.. so you wrapped your arms around his neck, him resting his hands on your hips. You saw your ex on the verge of crying, and pulled away, satisfied that he left.

"(Y/N)?", "Yes Charles?", Charlie gripped your waist tightly, "I missed you." You nodded and admitted you missed him too. Then you guys did the nasties in the corner store storage room :')

Johnny 3 Tears

You were at the bar, again. And Johnny sat by you, again. You chatted and actually had a great time! So you both decided to go get coffee. Sitting in one of the booths, you guys talked, frappuccinos in hand.

"(Y/N), at any point... did you.. miss me?", You nodded because truthfully, you did. You loved him so much, and you missed him so much, more than words could describe. "I missed you too. So much. I love you, so much! And honestly, I hate myself. For what I did I mean, please take me back?", you smiled happily and got up to sit beside him, kissing him on the lips, he kissed back and put one hand on your cheek. You pulled away, "does that answer your question?", he nodded excitedly.


Your boyfriend broke up with you, in the same woods that he left you in last time, apparantly he was trying to get rid of you last time. He thought the gangs would surely get you.

"(Y/N)?! Again?! It's so dangerous here what are you-- are you.. crying?" He sat down beside you on the floor, he even pulled you into his lap. One thing you knew for sure, J hated seeing the people he cared so much about, cry. He was rubbing circles on your back and hushing your cries.

He picked you up, and carried you out of the woods, no words were said but he was taking you to your house and once you were there, you didn't want him to leave. "J-Jorel?", you cried, "stay with me." He nodded and covered up the both of you, protectively hugging you to his chest as he kissed your forehead. "I want you back.", you simply said, "(Y/N), you never lost me."


I don't know how many more times I have to say this, he is precious child, and he doesn't cheat EVER.

Funny Man

You saw funny man at the same strip club you met at. "(Y/N)? You're looking niiiiiice..." you could tell he was drunk, girls were all over him and you hated it. You dragged him out of the strip club, and took him to his house, staying the night to take care of his dumbass.

When he woke up he was very confused. "I took care of you while you were drunk, I found you at a strip club, alone.", you said, "Shit! (Y/N)! Thank you! Hey...I... um..  I miss you.. alot.. can we try again?", You nod, "yeah, if you promise to stop going to strip clubs when all you need is right in front of you." He nodded, "I PROMISE!"

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