The party.

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(Romans point of view)
Tonight my friend Katie was having a party for her graduation, both Seth and dean knew Katie pretty well so I wanted them to come with. I knew getting deano to come was gonna be a struggle but I was gonna get him to. I was at home in my apartment and called the both of them on Group FaceTime. "Sup guys" I answered "hey shit head" Seth said "hey guys" dean answered. "Seth do you always have to talk shit?" Dean said laughing. "Uhh yeah it's kinda my thing thank you" Seth said. I laughed "Alright guys, tonight Katie is having a party for her graduation and she'd really appreciate if all 3.. not 2 all 3 of us came" I said looking at dean sternly. "Rome you know I'm down I love a good party" Seth said "Roman you know I don't like parties come on man" dean said "I know man but it's her graduation she hasn't seen us in a year, and who knows maybe you and Katie will finally spark up something" I said to him. He paused for a second. "First, me and Kate are friends nothing more nothing less, second ... fine I'll come.. ONLY if there's beer." He said "yes! And dude if there wasn't beer I wouldn't be going" roman said. "Alright what time should we be ready shit head?" Seth asked. "Uh I'll come get you guys around 8" I said to them. "No you are not picking us up in that small ass car that we can't fit in" dean said. "Fine, dean you come get us then" I said. "Okay be there in 30" he said. "Alright guys" i said "Alright you fathead motherfuckers see you soon" Seth said. We all laughed "see you" dean said. I hung up and went upstairs. I put on a pair of jeans and a button down shirt pulling my hair into a man bun.
30 minutes later
I heard a horn outside my door, I looked and it was dean. I ran out to his car after grabbing my phone and locking my doors I got in and he was wearing jeans and a plain white T-shirt with his hat that said "aloha beaches"   "Hey deano" I said "hey rome, let's go pick up the other dick head" he said I laughed. He got to Seth's house in about 5 minuets. Seth came out with jeans a shirt that said "CrossFit" and skulls on it his hair in a man bun and a cross fit beanie.  He got into the car "sup crack sniffing ball lickin losers" Seth said. "Dude how do you even come up with this shit?" Dean said laughing. "Honestly man I don't know I'm a natural"  "Alright rome whats the address, put it in your phone I don't know how to work that shit" Dean said. I put it in my phone and gave him it. We arrived at the party in about 10 minuets. We entered and it was music playing people drinking beer and taking shots, some balloons and a food table. "Dude how old is Katie again?" Seth asked me "she just turned 30" I said shouting over the music "this looks like a damn college party" dean said. "Well.. she did just graduate.. just later than usual" I said laughing. "Oh hell yeah this is my song!" Seth said running onto the dance floor dancing with Cathy Kelly, a friend from wwe. "Hey rome! Hey deano!" We looked to see Katie. "Hey gal how you doin?" I asked as she hugged us. "I've been good, how are you both?" She asked "good" we said at the same time. "Where's Seth?" She asked flipping her mid back length brunette hair. "Oh he's dancing" dean said "of course he is" "I'm gonna go uh.. dance with Seth you two have fun" I said trying to start something between Katie and dean. Dean gave me a glare knowing what I was up to.

(Dean pov)
Katie is a nice girl, she has brunette hair she's about shoulder height to me, brown eyes and a nice body, but I've never looked at her that way... she wasn't really my type. "So dean how's wrestling been?" She asked taking a sip of water, she didn't drink which if we ever did date that wouldn't work out because I love an ice cold beer. "Pretty good im the IC champion so it's nice right now" I told her. "Cool, I've been seeing your matches here and there you're awesome man" she said. I smiled and nodded, "thanks Kate" after a long awkward pause I said "I'm gonna go get a beer I'll catch you later" she nodded and I walked off "man that girls awkward" I said to myself. After a few beers I decided to get some water. I went over to the snack table to get some potato chips. As I did I heard a laugh. I looked to see a woman about 5'5 blonde hair in a bun great smile in a black long sleeve crop top and a red and black skirt. Her laugh startled me a bit. She noticed that "oh im sorry didn't mean to scare you" she said "no biggie, what's so funny over there?" I asked her. She smiled "this show called we bare bears..." she said "be still my beating heart that's my favorite show" I said to her. "Really?" She asked "yeah" we chatted about the show for a couple minutes then about life, "I'm actually about to start working for wwe" she said. "Really? I wrestle for them" I said "wow" she said. "We basically have the same life just different forms" she said and I laughed. I got a text from roman saying we were about to leave "well, I'll catch you next time uhhh" "Renee, my names renee" she said "Alright Renee well I'm jon but everyone calls me dean.. that's my wrestling name" I told her. "Alright dean hopefully I'll see you a round" she said "will do" I said walking off. "Dude where the hell were you it's been 2 hours and we didn't see you once at the party" roman said "oh I was talking to this girl I met names Renee" he said "damn dude you must've hit it off it's been 2 hours" Seth said "yea she's a cool girl" "did you get her number?" Seth asked. "Uh.. nope" I said. "Dude what the hell you don't talk to a girl for two hours than not get her number." Roman said "I didn't even know it'd been 2 hours honestly, and if her and I were to ever do anything she'd be the girl I'd take it slow with and settle done with, she's not a one night stand girl I can't let her go that easy" I said to them. "Awwww shit head youre growing up" Seth said me and rome laughed. "Let's go home idiots" Seth said. We got in the car and I drove them home before going home laying down and smiling to myself. "Never knew blondes were that cute" I said to myself drifting off to sleep.

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