New girl.

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5 months later
Renee and dean have been inseparable for the past 5 months, they're with eachother almost every day and they fuss a little but not much. They're at the arena walking around while talking... much like they did when they were just friends only now dean has his arm around her waist as they walk. As they walked seth came up to us "have you seen the new girl she's smokin hot" he asked dean. "No, why would I care though?" He asked. "I might make a move" Seth said winking. "Go for it buddy you're a great guy, but don't play with her emotions she might actually like you" dean warned him. Seth nodded explaining he knows not to treat a woman badly. "New girls really do start a buzz around here huh?" Renee asked dean "yeah... you should've seen us when you came around" dean said laughing a bit "what's that mean?" Renee asked "when you first came... nobody expected it, the last two new interviews were cute... but you're stunning, so when you got here everyone was out of place trying to get to you but they didn't know how to exactly approach you... but sucks to be them, because you're mine now and nobody can have you" dean said kissing her. "Wouldn't have it any other-" Renee was interrupted by a woman mid back blonde straight hair, tight pink dress to about her knees, brown eyes a nose piercing glowing skin, and a gorgeous smile. "Do you know where the bathroom is around here pretty boy?" She asked him in her Australian accent. Dean looked at her for a second, not able to speak. I smacked him in the back of his head and he spit out "it's down the hall to the left" "thank you" She said poking his cheek. She walked away and deans eyes followed her. I smacked his head again. "Ow damn it whats that for?" He asked me "for eyeing another woman while I'm standing right here!" I yelled at him taking his hand from my waist. "I wasn't eyeing her Renee" he said rubbing his head. "Oh really? You couldn't even speak when she walked up to you" she said. "I didn't know her... you know how awkward I am with people" he explained. "Whatever" Renee said walking away from him. "Babe don't do this come here" dean said chasing after her. He picked her up over his shoulder and carried her to the locker room he sat her down. "Nobody's in here.. we can talk here" dean said. Renee sighed and looked at him "come on baby talk to me.." he said "I know how all you guys get when a new girl comes.. you all did it to me, Cesaro broke up with his girlfriend of 4 months just to get a shot at me .. which I declined, and that girl is gorgeous I mean come on look at me I have on a hoodie leggings black vans with my hair in a bun, she walks in here looking like a damn model you'd be stupid not to leave me for her." Renee said , dean looked at her like she was crazy. "Have you had some sort of alcohol today? You been drinking?" He said looking in my eyes. "No" I said. "Alright then you're just not sure how much I love you then" he said "Renee there's going to be new women in this business all the time, but I don't care if Beyoncé came in here I'm with you, I don't want anyone else all the stuff about the guys leaving their girls.. that not who I am I would never do that for you just because another beautiful woman comes here doesn't mean I'm leaving you baby I love you" he said kissing her "I love you too" she said smiling. "And you're the only woman who can pull off this outfit.. you look gorgeous" he said. Renee smiled and said thank you. They both got up and walked out the locker room hand in hand. "Oh crap babe I gotta go help nattie with her gear I'll see you in about an hour love you!" Renee said kissing him in the cheek and running to find her bestfriend. "Love you too!" He yelled back as she ran down the hallway. Dean went to catering to get a sandwich when he bumped into the new girl. "Oy" She said. "Oh sorry didn't mean to do that" dean said she smiled giggled, "not a problem pretty boy, we aussies don't take it to heart" she said "why do you keep calling me pretty boy?" Dean asked her. "Because you're cute.. with your blonde hair blue eyes and the dimples" she said poking his cheek "thanks I guess" Dean said. "Not a problem pretty boy... how about we head out for a couple a drinks later eh?" She asked putting an arm on his shoulder as he was about to answer, Dean looked over to see Renee standing there watching the entire situation go down. Her face was red and a tear fell, dean moved her arm off of his shoulder and ran towards Renee but Renee walked away. "Babe stop wait!" Dean yelled grabbing her hand. "Leave me alone!" Renee yelled letting another tear fall yanking her arm away from him. "Renee listen to me it's not what if looks like nothing happened I was gonna decline her" he said. "Looks like you enjoyed what she was saying, calling you pretty boy.. you were flirting I don't appreciate that at all!" She yelled at me. "Babe stop talk to me" dean said trying to get her to stop. But she pushed him away "leave me alone" she said. Dean stood there as she walked out of the arena. Roman came up to dean and so did seth "give her time man, she's just angry right now" seth said. "Did I just lose the love of my life?"

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