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I woke up nice and early at exactly noon on Saturday. I stretched my arms over my head and heard my bones crack in a satisfying manner. God, I loved sleeping in. I rolled out of bed and went into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I ran my fingers through my hair, but they got caught in my curls. I rolled my eyes and brushed my teeth.

I contemplated putting a shirt on before going downstairs. I wore pants only because sometimes Chelsea came in my room, and the last thing I needed was for her to pull the blanket off me (one of her favorite ways to wake me up) and see a little too much. I just couldn't comprehend how some people slept with shirts on. Didn't they get hot? I walked downstairs, and I heard Chelsea's voice in the living room. She was probably on FaceTime with Jordan or someone. I walked into the living room and rubbed my eyes. I heard a whistle and abruptly stopped moving and dropped my hand.

"Damn, Alex, you play sports?" asked none other than my least favorite person, Ryan Smithe. He and Chelsea were sitting on the couch, both staring at me. Ryan looked conceited as always while Chelsea looked way too amused. It was too early for this, and yes, I knew it was noon. I crossed my arms and glowered at Ryan.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked. Chelsea rolled her eyes, but Ryan seemed completely unaffected by my tone.

"Chelsea invited me over yesterday," he said innocently. I looked at Chelsea who shrugged.

"Didn't even think to tell me, huh?" I asked.

"I figured you'd be okay with it," she explained. I sighed, not finding it in me to be mad at her.

"Whatever, I have homework," I mumbled and turned around.

"Wait, you never told me if you play sports," Ryan said.

"Why do you need to know? You work for the FBI?" I asked somewhat jokingly.

"Was that a joke? Did he just make a joke?" Ryan asked with an over dramatic amount of shock. I shook my head and saw Chelsea giggle. Gross.

"Your life's a joke," I muttered and walked away. I heard Chelsea say something like "ignore him, he just woke up," but I disliked him even after I've been awake for several hours. "I play soccer, by the way," I shouted on my way upstairs.

I loved to rub in the fact that I played soccer, but I guess that's how it was when you win three consecutive  championships and make the varsity team as a freshman. 

I grabbed my bag and threw it on my bed. I pulled out my binder for Anatomy and grabbed my phone. I placed in my earbuds and listened to music while working on a study guide for the test we had Monday. I wasn't too stressed since Anatomy was pretty easy.

"What's that?" I heard someone ask. I looked up and saw my mom standing by the door. She was wearing her usual attire before she went to work. Cute scrubs with little teddy bears and baby animals covering it. "And put on a shirt, we have a guest."

"It's Anatomy homework, and I know that. I don't like him," I told her.

"Oh? Why not?" I shrugged.

"Chelsea has a huge crush on him, and he's kind of a douche bag."

"Language," she warned. "But I think you're just jealous someone's stealing Chelsea's attention from you." I scoffed.

"Yeah, right. I'm glad she's finally off my back a little, but I just don't trust him." My mom leaned against the door frame and crossed her arms. She pushed a stray lock of her short, brown hair behind her ear.

"Right, right, of course."

"I'm serious," I protested, but she just smiled at me which caused me to smile back.

"So what reason do you have for not trusting him? He has a bad reputation or something?"

"No, I don't think so. I just get a feeling off him, and I know he's not right for Chelsea." My mom glanced down the hallway and leaned closer into my room. She lowered her voice to a whisper.

"Don't tell Chelsea, but I agree with you. I think he's gay," my mom said and walked away. I laughed and shook my head. Of course, she always had an opinion. I finished my Anatomy homework soon after that. As I was putting it in my bag, I was bothered yet again.

"Nice room." I looked up and saw Ryan standing by my doorway looking, not at my room, but at me. I felt a little uncomfortable and grabbed a shirt off my table. I slid on the gray T-shirt and stood up.

"Go away," I ordered.

"What're you doing?" he asked.

"Homework," I responded. I walked over to him and pointed into the hallway. "Now, go so I can finish."

"It's Saturday, and you're doing homework?"

"When else should I do it?"

"Monday morning, like everyone else."

"Everyone else does it Monday morning because they copy off me," I remind him. He nodded.

"True, but you need a break. Come downstairs and hang out with me and Chelsea." I shook my head.

"I'm good. I don't like you, and I can hang out with Chelsea whenever." I saw his calm expression falter for a moment. I felt a wave of guilt overcome me because I realized I'd hurt his feelings. Like, actually made him a little upset. Yeah, I acted like I didn't care, but I wasn't trying to upset him, just ignore him. Even though I didn't like him I didn't like upsetting people. Plus, he was probably just trying to be nice.  "Alright, fine, I'll come down in a minute." I saw his stupid face brighten right back up and sighed.

"Cool beans, dude," he said. I smiled and shook my head as he walked downstairs. Cool beans? Who still says that? I shook my head and walked out behind him.

And that was how I ended up binge-watching movies with my sister and a guy I couldn't stand until he left at 11:00 that night.


Since I finished this entire book, I'll publish a chapter everyday until it's all up ;p

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