Twenty Two

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Hey guys! If you haven't voted on a cover yet, could you pls let me know which one you like better? You can just comment it here you dont have to go back to the last chapter. i love them both sm and i have changed the cover back and forth between those 2 like three times

anyway, enjoy!

I groaned as someone shook my shoulder. My head was pounding, and my eyelids refused to budge. I felt my shoulder get shaken harder and rolled over, forcing my eyes open with all of my willpower. I saw Ryan in front of me. His gorgeous eyes giving me a concerned look. I realized quickly I wasn't at my house and felt nervous in this unfamiliar place.

"Hi," I said, my voice sounding gross and deeper than usual. I cleared my throat in an attempt to fix it.

"Hey," he said, a little too loudly, causing me to wince. "Here," he handed me two pills and a glass of water. I sat up and gladly took it without question. I looked over to the other side of me and saw Chelsea, still asleep.

"What happened?" I asked. I barely remembered anything after kissing Ryan in the kitchen. My neck was a little sore, and I placed my hand over it.

"What do you remember?" Ryan asked, smirking slightly. I shrugged, the devious look on his face not unnoticed.

"I kissed you in the kitchen but not much after that." Ryan took out his phone and opened his front camera.

"Remember this?" I shook my head after I took his phone, turning my head and gasping at the reddish-purple mark on my neck and the horrid, messy state of my hair.

"Ryan, how am I going to hide the- where the fuck did my shirt go?" I asked, dropping his phone on the bed in front of me and looking at my exposed top half. Ryan laughed. I glared at him, my head throbbing. "I'm not joking."

"Yeah, you're definitely not drunk anymore." He stood up and threw a hoodie at me. "My cousin lets me stay here a lot, so I have some clothes," he explained. "I couldn't find your shirt, so you can borrow my hoodie so you don't freeze to death." It was a red hoodie with our high school's emblem on it, a rattlesnake, with the letters 'NHS' in white on it. I slid it on and put the hood over my head, hiding the bruise on my neck and my undeniably awful messy hair. His scent that clung to the hoodie calmed my nerves. I sighed and gripped the edges of the sleeves.

"But what happened to mine?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Uh, I don't know. You just... took it off."

"Sure," I mumbled in disbelief.

"Come on, get Chelsea, I'm taking you home," Ryan instructed.

"I can drive," I said.

"Sure, you can. Let's go." I got my keys out of my jeans pocket and placed them in Ryan's hand. I didn't have the energy to argue. I grabbed Chelsea, one arm under her knees and my other arm under her head. I carefully carried her out to my car with a bit of a struggle. My head was poundning, and I stumbled and nearly dropped her a couple of times, but I refused to wake her up. Ryan helped me when he could, and we, finally, laid her in the back seat of my car. I got in the passenger's seat while he got in the driver's seat.

"So, you have fun?" Ryan asked with his signature sly smirk. He began driving, and I shrugged.

"I lost a shirt, woke up with a hickey, and barely remember half the night," I recounted. "Surprisingly, yeah, I had fun." Ryan laughed.

"Good, you deserve it." I smiled a little and looked down.

"I hate how you say all the right things. I feel like I never say anything right, but that's all you ever do." Ryan abruptly stopped the car, and I was glad no other cars were around that needed to get by.

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