Chapter 13

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For the next week, (F/N) tried to have as little contact with Hozuki as possible. She did her work in silence, and made sure to fill her schedule with plans.

Then, he informed her that he would be taking a day off to visit the Mortal World. (F/N) should've been happy to be rid of him, but she found that the pent up anger from the whole week was taking its toll.

"Ah, (F/N)-san!" Koban shouted to her as she took a stroll through town. "Can I please have an interview—"

She picked him up, and hurled him into the sky.

"Ah," she sighed to herself. "That felt really good. Maybe I can finally feel normal—"

"And there is one of Hell's rare shooting stars," said a deep and unfortunately familiar voice.


(F/N) turned her head, only to see Hozuki standing beside her with two doll-like girls. One sat on his shoulder, the other in his arms.

"What the hell are you doing back, Hozuki-san?" (F/N) snapped, turning on him. "I thought you were going to be gone the whole day!"

"Ah, (F/N)-chan," he said, finally noticing her. "I was going to return later, but circumstances changed."

She looked him over, noted the children, and made an exaggerated gasp.

"How dare you make advances on me when you have children with another woman!" she cried, a hand on her chest. "You—mmf!"

Hozuki silenced her with a hand on her mouth.

"These are zashiki warashi," he explained.

She pried his hand off her face. "I know that, dumbass. I'm messing with you! Why did you bring those here, anyway?"

"There's a lack of homes suitable for them in the Mortal World. I thought I could let them stay in the Offices of Enma and care of them there."

Well, you did a great job of caring formewhen you brought me there!

She pushed away the sarcastic comment, and instead responded with 'great,' before preparing to stalk off.

"However," Hozuki continued, stopping her in her tracks, "I'm planning to drop them off at Hakutaku's residence first."

(F/N) froze. "You're doing"

"Yes. Right now would be preferable."

(F/N) gulped. She'd been planning to drop by Hakutaku's place later as part of her plan to distract herself, and the last thing she wanted to happen when she was on the verge of snapping was for Hozuki to ruin that.

"I was actually going there now," she said hastily. "I can drop them off if you want."

"Are you okay with that?" he asked. "You've been stressed lately. I don't want to—"

"I wouldn't offer if it wasn't okay! Now just hand over the brats and piss off!"

The minute he'd passed her the warashi, she ran. She never meant to lash out at him—it wasn't his fault if he didn't return her feelings—but she couldn't restrain herself. Why had he kissed her if he didn't love her?

"Relationship troubles," said the black-haired girl in an eerie monotone.

"Yes," echoed the white-haired one. "Definitely relationship troubles."

"Oh, shut up!" (F/N) snapped.

Ultimately, once they were close enough to Hakutaku's shop, (F/N) sent the zashiki-warashi ahead, and settled herself beneath the shining trees. The air in Heaven was clear compared to the air in Hell. It forced her to relax in a way she hadn't in ages. She didn't even remember the last time she'd slept. Every time she closed her eyes, all she could see was Hozuki's face...

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