Chapter 11

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(F/N) found it very hard to focus when walking down a busy street. There were so many interesting shops, interesting people, and interesting conversations to eavesdrop in on.

Most places in Hell weren't especially busy, but there was one exception—Mortal Hell.

"I knew I shouldn't have brought you on this inspection," Hozuki sighed, guiding her around an unsuspecting Hell minion while she drooled at a dango shop.

"Sorry," she apologized, her attention shifting to a heartbroken Hell minion as he cried over a prostitute.

Hozuki paused for a moment, and narrowed his eyes before pulling her along.

"You always look at the shops," he commented, "but you never buy anything."

"Ah, that's because—"

That was when she spotted it—the perfect accessory.

"Hozuki-kun! Look! It's so pretty!"

She let go of his arm and ran over to the shop, pressing her face against the glass of the display window. The object in question was a gemstone betta fish necklace, with amethysts for the body, rubies for the fins, and black opals for the eyes. It was completely and totally perfect.

"What is it?" Hozuki asked, coming to stand behind her. He could instantly tell what she was looking at. "Isn't it a bit flashy?"

"No!" she snapped.

"Then why don't you buy it?"

(F/N) flinched.


Hozuki grabbed her cheek. "And why would you have no money? You're paid handsomely, and your room and board are free!"

"Anime..." she replied. "And manga...and exotic filters, heaters, and tanks for over twenty betta fish."

"I see," Hozuki sighed, releasing her from his iron grip. "Just as I thought. You brought this on yourself." He grabbed the back of her kimono, and pulled her away. "Come on. We have work to finish."

"Goodbye, my love," (F/N) sobbed to the necklace. "You will always be in my heart."

The Bon Festival was one of the greatest pleasures Hell had to offer, and this year was special. It was (F/N)'s last year celebrating.

She decided to make the most of it—buying a beautiful yukata, and asking Oko to do her hair. She planned to be a perfect Japanese lady.

Then the festival started.

"Hozuki-sama?" Shiro said. "Why are all the shooting games out of business?"

(F/N)'s ears perked up from the other side of the crowd. Hozuki-kun?

She stood on her tiptoes, and managed to find his distinct figure in the crowd.

"Well, there is a reason for that..." he began.

"Hozuki-kun!" she shouted, pushing her way through.

"...and there is the reason."

Hozuki pointed to her as she came into his line of sight, pulling a cart full of prizes behind her.

"Whoa!" Shiro shouted, running up to her with his tail wagging. He stared at the cart, drooling when he noticed some of the eatable goods she won.

"The shooting games have banned me now," (F/N) announced, pouting. "I guess I got carried away again, huh?"

"(F/N)-san," Kakisuke spoke up. "You're really good at shooting!"

"I guess I am, huh?" she mumbled, scratching the back of her neck. "You guys can have whatever you want, by the way. I'm not very interested in the prizes."


Shiro and Kakisuke pounced on the cart. Rurio watched, and (F/N) could almost hear him thinking 'I'm surrounded by idiots.'

"(F/N)-san," he said, turning his attention to her. "How did you get so good at shooting?"

"I did it a lot when I was alive..." she muttered.

She glanced around, fixing her eyes on a random stall and pointing. "Oh, look over there!"

She escaped into the crowd, finally relaxing once she could no longer see the group. She had nothing against the animals, but they had big mouths, and if they found out about her history, it would be spread all over Heaven and Hell.

Not that it matters, anyway...I'll be sent to Hell in just a few months...


She looked over her shoulder. She'd been so lost in thought she hadn't noticed Hozuki following her.

"Y-yeah?" she mumbled, turning around. "What's up?"

"Here." He handed her a small black box. "I wanted to give this to you."

"I-is that so?" (F/N) stammered. She took the box, hands shaking. "Th-thanks."

She opened it, and gasped.

"The necklace..."

Her heart pounded in her chest. She was having a hard time processing what was going on. Why did he buy the necklace? Why was he giving it to her?

Hozuki didn't seem to register how nervous she was.

"Ah, do you need help putting it on?" he asked. "Here."

He took the betta fish necklace out of the box, and, one end in each hand, put his arms around her neck. (F/N)'s face went into his chest, and she blushed a thousand shades of crimson.

When he finally drew back, she raised a hand, fingers brushing the gemstones.

So Hozuki-kun actually went back, and bought it for me...He remembered...did he pull me away back then because he wanted to give it to me today? Was that it?

"Hozuki-kun...thank you."

After whispering those words, she stood on her tiptoes and brushed her lips against his cheek.

Wait, what am I doing?

(F/N) pulled away, staggering backwards.


She spun around, but Hozuki grabbed her arm, pulling her back and kissing her full on the lips.


It happened so quickly, she could have thought it was her imagination, but she remembered it so clearly—the warmth of his lips, his fingers laced with her hair, and when she opened her eyes to see him drawing away, there was something in his gaze she'd never seen before.

However, it only lasted a moment before he gasped and took a step back, releasing her from his grip.

"" (F/N) stammered.

Hozuki remained silent. He seemed to still be processing exactly what happened.

"I...think I should go now," (F/N) finally said.

Hozuki nodded. "Yes. I think that's a good idea."

She immediately ran into the crowd, running hand through her now very disheveled hair.

What the heck just happened?

I just hope whatever comes of won't be anything bad.

The Neutral Soul--Hozuki x Reader (Hoozuki no Reitetsu)Where stories live. Discover now