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[Present Day]

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[Present Day]

You looked over your shoulder to make sure nobody was following you. It had been 4 years since you left your family and everything you loved behind. You might have never finished high school but, as it turns out, the life of crime pays well. As long as the getaway team does their job.

Your long black dress swished around your ankles as you sauntered into the bank in Queens. You fit right in with the elegant string of pearls and a hat fit for a princess. You'd never been fond of the economy. Or the wealthy. The bank was magnificently huge, every surface was marble dripping with gold.

How filthy rich these people must be to keep their money in a place like this...

You kept your disgust internal as you introduced yourself to an older gentleman at a desk.

"I've booked a tour of the place with a Mr. Swayze?" You peered over your glasses at the man, tapping your fingernails impatiently on the desk. "I trust he'll be here presently, my time is money." The man scurried away to fetch the guide.

Taking the time to make inventory of the security cameras was necessary. The place was full of them. All it took was a little focus to put a crack in the glass lens on each one, making the video feed useless. As quickly as you'd done so, the man returned with a tall, dark haired fellow on his arm.

"Ms. Jennings is it?" You gave a small smile and held out your hand for him to take. He took his cue and brushed his lips against the back of your long white gloves. "Pleasure to meet you. Would you follow me?"

The tour did not take long and before you knew it he was leading you to the vault.

"I'm sorry I cannot let you see inside but I can assure you it's state of the art - nobody would ever get through it." You smiled at him in amusement, a polite laugh escaping your red lips.

"Save it Swayze you've never seen my work." His eyes widened in surprise as you delicately slid your gloves off, pressing your index finger to his chest. It was only moments before his body was immobile, covered in a thick layer of frost.

Very carefully you melted a hole in the vault and stepped inside. The amount of money was astounding. You could live for a year on your commission off this. Promptly, you reduced the outside wall to sand and your cohorts piled in as you oversaw the operation. It was a thrill. Your favourite thrill. The risk, the excitement, the adrenaline...it was incredible.

You had almost reached your 3 minute time limit when something red and blue and very blurry swung it's way through your crew. They were stopped in their tracks, the driver had been ripped from the front seat and you observed him laying stunned on the street. You started to relax as you came to recognize your saboteur.

"Of course, the spider boy! I should've known you'd make an appearance." You found yourself wrapped in webbing and settled for a look of dismay.

"Spider-Man," the boy said, coming to land in front of you. "And like, who steals from banks anymore?"

"I've found it to be quite profitable." You admitted with a smirk and a shrug. The webs were made of a rather odd material, but you remained unfazed. Slowly they drifted to the floor like sawdust, and a smile plastered itself on your face. In an instant the Spider-Man's feet were cemented to the floor.

"Things aren't looking so hot right now, Spidey." You cooed and placed a sloppy kiss on his cheek, walking to free your crew. No men left behind, that was the rule.

Your driver was unconscious. Very unconscious and he was the most necessary part of the plan. You bent down beside him, shaking his shoulders and gently tapping his cheek.

Shit shit shit we're gonna be caught. And caught means no payday.

As you were hauling your driver to his feet you felt a sharp pain in the back of your head. Suddenly the world went black.

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