The Babysitter

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Jack's POV
I was just stapling up the last of my posters in town when I got nudged by someone. I turned around to see Tyler Scheid, the minion to the one and only Mark Fischbach. Mark is the bad boy at the school. He's hot, strong, manipulative, and... did I mention hot? Anyway, he's the guy everyone wants to be. I hate to admit it, but I've liked Mark for a while. I don't know what it is about bad boys, I just love the vibe. "Watch where you're goin Jackass." I growl at him.

"My bad, didn't know there was a baby in my way." He snickers. "What're ya putting up there, huh?" He rips the poster I'd just finished stapling off of the post. "Babysitting? Wow, you're more of a girl than I thought." He laughs. "Good luck getting hired dweeb." He flicks forehead and turns away, crumpling up the paper and throwing it to the ground.

"Asshole." I mumble as I wipe my eyes and walk away.

A few hours later, I was just chilling at home when my phone rang. I rush to grab it, almost dropping it on my wood floor. I hastily press the answer button and sling the phone to my ear. "H-hello?" I speak into the phone.

"Hello, is this Jack... Mc... Loughlin?" I hear a woman through the phone.

"Yes, that's me."

I'm calling about the babysitting poster that was up outside our house." I hear her cheery response.

"Oh, yes! What would you like to know?" I smile wide.

"Are you available this weekend?" She asks.

"Yes, I have nothing planned." I giggle.

"I have two sons, but only one needs to be watched." She laughs "Me and my husband are going out for dinner Saturday night and need someone to watch Ethan for us." She sighs "We have an older boy, but he really, will not watch Ethan. I don't trust him to keep a good eye on him." I hear her take a deep breath "Would you be able to come over at 6 Saturday night?"

"Uhm, yes of course. I'm gonna need to know about who I'm watching. Such as his age and name. What he likes would also give me a good idea of what to bring, and what to expect." I smile more as I pick up a piece of paper and a pen from the table by my couch.

"Oh, yes of course!" She giggles "His name is Ethan, and he's nine. He loves dancing, sports, exercise, and he's just a little ball of energy. Oh! he also has a SEVERE peanut allergy. He cannot have any thing with peanuts in it."

"Yes ma'am, understood. I'll be over at 6 this Saturday. Thank you for calling, I'll see you then!" I say happily.

"Oh, thank you so much! You're a life saver! I'll see you then!" I hear the dial tone.

"Yes!" I toss my phone onto the couch and jump up. "I gotta job! Finally!" I laugh.

I take a glance at my phone again and see it's ten o'clock. "Oh shit, I should probably go to bed, school tomorrow." I chuckle and run upstairs.

I make it to my room and plug my phone in by my bed and place it in my nightstand, along with my glasses. I yawn while stretching and then walk to my dresser grabbing some boxers and pajama pants. Climbing into bed, I sigh in relief. Finally, I close my eyes and drift off into a deep sleep.

— Saturday Night —
(Because I have nothing to write about school :,))

It's the day I get to meet the kids. Wow, I am so nervous. I don't know why. I start shaving my stubble as I think about it, making up different situations in my head.
What if he doesn't like me? What if his older brother messes with me? What if the parents cancel? Ugh! This is too much to think about. I need this money though. I sigh as I comb my hair.
I look in the mirror "Wow, I look... good!" I smile.
I jog downstairs and grab my car keys and jacket. I look around in a fritz "Oh, fuck! Where's my bag?!" I look around, panicking.
"Mom! Have you seen my bag?!" I call up the stairs.

"No honey, last time I saw it it was by the front door." She yells back.

I look by the door and let out a breath of relief as I see my bright green bag by the door. "Thanks mom! I'm off to babysit! Love you, bye!" I shout into the house. I run outside and hop in my car, tossing my bag into the seat next to me. The engine revs to life and I'm off to their house.

Once I arrive, I ring the door bell, and I was taken aback by who answered.

"Hey there dork, what's goin on?" He smirks, it sends chills up and down my spine.

I swallow deeply "H-hey... Mark."

To Be Continued...

I know it's a little short, I'm sorry! This was just an opener! I promise the other chapters will be, MUCH longer! I love you all!


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