Spirits are Everywhere

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I woke up on my bed at home. "What the hell..?" I mumbled to myself before slowly getting up. "Ugh!" I groaned as I sat up, I had a crick in my back. Whoever put me here doesn't understand how sleeping position effects someone. I thought before getting out of bed to stretch. After I stretched it felt a little better, I mean, it was still there, but it wasn't as tightened anymore. I yawned and then checked my phone "FUCK!" I shouted as I sprinted into my bathroom to brush my teeth quickly.

I sighed heavily as I pulled into the school parking lot. Thank god I woke up when I did. I parked my car and then jogged up to the school's entrance while I locked my door behind me. The bell to go to class rang right as I got inside. Phew! I smiled and walked to class.

Mark's mom called me last night and asked if I could babysit Ethan again tonight. Obviously I said yeah, her and John deserve some time away from their house. Their possessed house. I gulped at the memory. What have I gotten myself into? I sighed as I knocked on the door.  Her kind face greeted me as it swung open.  "Sean!  I'm glad you could make it on such short notice!" She said.  "Oh yeah, it was no problem Ma'am!  I'm usually free on weekends anyhow." I chuckled.   "Well, me and John are just so glad you could come, Ethan's been going mad about seeing you again." She laughs.  "I'm happy to come anytime and hang out with Ethan, he's a sweetheart." I smiled at her.  "He'd be happy the hear that," she sighs with a big grin to finish it "Me and John'll be off in a few minutes.  You know the drill.  C'mon in!" She stepped aside to let me in and closed the door behind me.  I jumped slightly as Mark came over and bumped my shoulder harshly.  "Ow!  Watch it!" I growled.  "What're you gonna do about it, pipsqueak?" Mark returned.  "Mark Edward Fischbach!  Apologize this instant." His mother scowled at him, shocked by how he acted.  Mark growled and furrowed his eyebrows as he turned to face me.  "I'm sorry..." and then he laughed "sorry you're such a wimp." And went into the kitchen. "Mark! Get back here right n—"
"No, it's alright ma'am." I placed my hand on her shoulder. "Are you sure sweetie?" She looked up at me with concern. "Yes ma'am, it's quite alright." I chuckled. She smiled at me and then nodded before heading upstairs. I sighed, he's never gonna gimme a break. I shook my head with a smile, unless he chooses to confess soon. I chuckled to myself before I headed upstairs to say hey to Ethan. 

I threw his door open and barged in "Someone ordered a babysitter?" I laughed.  Ethan looked up and the biggest grin swallowed his chubby face.  He jumped up and tackled me to the floor with a big hug.  I laughed.  "I didn't know you'd be back so soon!  I missed you!" He smiled at me.  "I missed you too bud!" I ruffled his hair and then we both got up and brushed ourselves off.  "Wanna go play some football?!" Ethan jumped excitedly.  "Sure!  Get the ball from your closet, I'll meet you out back!" And with that, I sprinted downstairs and flew out of the back door.  Ethan got there shortly after.  "Are you ready to lose to a nine year old?" He smirked smugly.  "Are you ready to get pummeled by a seventeen year old?" I returned the look.  "It's on!" Ethan laughed and smacked the football. 

After about ten minutes he scored a touchdown and I was left to eat his dust in the grass.  "Wow, you are one energetic, strategic, and sporty little nine year old!" I chuckled and sat up as I spoke to him.  His smile fell and he turned serious "Can I talk to you about something Sean?" He looked up with a nervous glance.  "Sure bud," I quickly got up and made my way to him "What's goin' on kid?" I placed my hand gently on his shoulder.  He looked into my eyes, and with the most terrifying smile I'd ever seen on a child he said "I know you see them too." I was apalled, what the hell is this kid going on about? "Who?  See who Ethan?" I backed away slightly.  "Jackson." And with that name my face paled.  What the fuck?!  "Ethan, I don't know anyone named Jackson." 
"Yes you do.  He's there." He pointed to my forehead "He's been there since you arrived.  Don't let him take over, he's trying to kill us." He grabbed my shirt "Please."
I was shocked, this kid's crazy! "Ethan, there's no Jackson, and there's no one trying to kill you, okay? Calm down buddy." I patted his shoulder.
"You can see him! You can't lie to me!" Ethan stomped his foot and looked up at me, his eyes were glowing a luminescent blue. "Ethan, c-calm down!" I held my hands up in surrender. "DON'T LIE TO ME!" He screamed, but his voice distorted. "Ethan I'm not lying to you!"
"YES YOU ARE!" He slammed the footbal to the ground and grabbed my shirt collar. Holy shit this kid's strong! I grabbed his hands and my vision went black. A man appeared a long ways ahead of me. He was sitting in a living chair with a newspaper in hand. I couldn't read the front page from here, so I decided to slowly and cautiously walk closer to him. Man found dead in family home? 
"Sean." A booming voice echoed throughout the darkness we were surrounded in.  "Y-yes?" I stuttered.
"It's lovely to see you again, we haven't properly been introduced."  The man in the chair folds his newspaper closed and sets it in his lap before he looks up.  Those fiery, rage-filled, burgandy eyes stared at me.  "The name's Jackson, Jackson Lewis." He gets up and slowly makes his way towards me.  His heavy footsteps echoed louder and louder in my head as he approached, it was about to drive me mad; but then it stopped.  I unclenched my eyes and looked up, he was right in front of me with his hand outstretched.  "U-uh..." I hesitated to take it.  What if this was a trick?  What if he was trying to take over my body?  This handshake could be his way of taking control!  I stuck my hands in my pockets wearily.  "Sean, Sean McLoughlin.  A lot of people call me Jack."
"Well, Sean." He reluctantly shoved his hands in his pockets as well.  "Your first impression is starting off horrible."
"What do you want, Lewis?" I furrowed my eyebrows.  Maybe if I act tough he'll get bored and leave me alone.  "I want your body." He turned away from me as he answered "I need it to interact with the human world."
"Why do you wanna do that?"
"To take revenge!" He spun around and clenched his fist in front of my face.  His pupils looked like actual fire!  They glew and I could feel the heat of them!  "Well, I'm sorry, but I can't let you do that.  Your dirty demon tricks won't work on me either, so don't even try it." He sighed.  "Fine.  You win this time McLoughlin, but I'll see you again." He chuckles "A lot sooner than you think." His maniacal laugh was the last thing I heard echoing before I came back to the real world, gasping for any air I could.  "Sean!  Sean!" I woke up to Mark slapping my cheek lightly "C'mon man, wake up!"
"M-Mark?" I mumbled and grabbed my head as I propped up on my elbows.  "What happened?"
"I dunno, according to Ethan you just passed out.  He came and got me." He sighed "You were out for a good thirty minutes man... Where the hell'd you go?!" Mark wouldn't look at me, he was looking away, but I could tell he was worried.
"Awe, is Marky worried about me?  How sweet~!" I patted his cheek.  He just growled at me.  "I'm serious man!" He threw me back to the grass "This isn't a joke, we thought you were dead or something!"
"We?" I looked around and noticed Felix in the doorway with Ethan.  "Yes, Sean, We!  I called Felix when I saw you weren't waking up."
"Oh man, I'm sorry..." I looked back to Mark "I didn't mean to scare you, I think the uh, the heat just started to get to me." I stumbled as I realized I couldn't tell Mark about that vision, he'd pick on me even more.  "It's fine, just please don't do it again, this is the second time!" He quickly got up and faced away from me with his arms crossed.  "Aren't you gonna help the dizzy wimp off the dirty grass?" I smiled.  A small smirk tugged at the corner of his lip and he turned around to help me up.  "Thank you very much, now!  I am so thirsty!  Got any Whiskey?" I laughed.  Mark laughed as well "Uh-uh, you're on babysitting duty." He pointed to Ethan in the doorway.  "Oh c'mon, you're the big brother," I lightly punched his shoulder "I shouldn't even have to be here, jackass." I rolled my eyes with a smile.  He did as well "Fine, loser, I'll show you where we keep the liquor.  You better not be a lightweight." I laughed "Oh please, you're speakin' to a pure bred Irishman here!" Me and Mark chuckled as we walked back inside.
To Be Continued...

Oooo!  Sean's comin' out of his shell around Mark.  I wonder how this'll go now that Sean knows that Mark's got a confession to make?  Find out in the next chapter!

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