I'm not seeing things

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Jack's POV
About 3 hours later Mark came home with Felix.  Felix is a mutual friend of mine and Mark's, he's a jock, but he's a lot nicer than any of the others.  The thing I didn't know was how good of friends they were, they came back laughing and acting all chummy.  I was just in the kitchen making Ethan a snack when they came barging through  the door, laughing as loud as they could. 

"You're kidding!  Jack's not your babysitter."  I hear Felix say as the door closes. 

"He is, I swear.  He's such a dork!"  They keep laughing as their voices get further away from the kitchen. 

"Felix is here?"  I quietly ask myself as I put gummies on Ethan's little snack plate.  I walk to the table Ethan was sitting at and set the plate down in front of him, along with a glass of water.  "Here ya go bud, eat your snack then you gotta go to bed."  I ruffle his hair, making him giggle.  I walk into the living room to see Felix and Mark drinking sodas on the couch.

"He's actually pretty cool.  He's smart too, so he's a lot of help with homework shit."  Felix chuckles.  He takes a sip of his Pepsi and looks over at me.  "Oh, hey Jack!  What's up?"  He sets his drink down and walks over to give me a hug.  "You really did get a babysitting job here, huh?"  He smiles. 

"Yeah, it pays enough.  Ethan's a good kid too."  I smile back, hearing Mark laugh from the couch behind Felix.  "You have something to laugh about tough guy?"  I peer over Felix's shoulder and glare at Mark. 

"Yeah, you just wait 'til your next job here, it just gets worse from there pint size."  He stands up and walks towards the kitchen, shoving me out of the way.

"W-Watch your attitude Mark!"  I point and raise my voice at him.

"You're not my mom, dill weed."  Mark spins around and glares at me.

"Yeah, well..." I pause nervously, Mark really scares me sometimes.  "I can sure as hell call her right now!"  I pull my phone from my back pocket and hold it up.  "Is that what you want?"  I cross my arms.

"Fuck you, asswipe."  He flips me off and continues to the kitchen.

"He's in that stage where he thinks he's his own person, and he doesn't need anyone else, just ignore it."  Felix chuckles "If you don't acknowledge it, he'll stop."  Felix pats my back and smiles.  "I'll see ya later, nerd."  He pokes my nose, then follows Mark into the kitchen.

I smile, Felix always knew what to say to calm someone down.  Everyone says if he gets an athletic scholarship to college he should consider psychology, maybe become a therapist or something.  I completely agree.  They make decent pay too, but anyway, I have to go check on Ethan.  Walking into the kitchen, I see Ethan on a little step stool in front of the sink, placing his plate in.  Mark and Felix were by the fridge.  He steps off and smiles when he sees me in the archway.  "Hey Jack, do I have to go to bed?"  He pouts.  Mark looks back at me, he seemed angry.

"Yeah, I'm sorry bud, I told your mom I'd put you to bed by 9:30."  I smile.  "Go on." 

He sprints as fast as possible upstairs, slamming his door when he makes it to his room.  Mark smiles slightly and looks back to Felix.  I hear Ethan's door re-open "Sorry!  Didn't mean to slam that..." he giggles and closes it gently. 

I shake my head and chuckle at him "He's too cute."  I say to myself and walk into the living room.  I take a seat and put my feet up on the long section of the L-couch.  I grab the remote and turn on Satellite.  A few minutes later Mark and Felix walk into the living room. 

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