What're you thinking?

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Jack's POV


I wake up to my alarm blaring in my ear. I groan and click it off, rolling out of bed. I start making my way to the end of it where I had my clothes for today already set out. I snatch them up and trudge into the bathroom. I take my shower, brush my teeth, and hair, then slip on my nice outfit. I look in the mirror and smile a little bit. "I don't look half bad." I thought as I turned back and fourth to admire myself. I smiled wider and walked back into my room to check the time. "Right on time!" I say, slinging my backpack over my shoulder.

I walk into the kitchen to see my mom just putting eggs on a plate to her left. She picks it up and turns around, noticing me. "Oh hey hun! I made breakfast." She holds the plate in front of her.

I examine the plate, seeing eggs, pancakes, and sausage. "Thanks mom." I take the plate from her and sit at the bar to eat really quickly.

"You're welcome Sean." She goes over to the fridge and pulls out a carton of orange juice "Want a drink?"

I nod my head as I stuff another piece of a pancake in my already full mouth.

"Slow down love, you're gonna choke on your food!" she pours me a glass while she giggles at me.

After a few minutes I shove the last sausage in my cheeks and gulp down the whole glass of orange juice behind it. I check my phone again and jump off the stool, slamming the glass down. "Alright, gotta go, bye mom! I'll see you later!" I kiss her on the cheek and jog to the garage door.

"Drive safe! Love you!" she yells to me and waves.

I wave back and close the door behind me, yanking my the keys from my pocket. I jangle them around until I find my car key and unlock the doors. Once I sat down in my comfy seats I sighed happily and started it up, slamming the door. I press the garage door opener on my visor and wait for it to open, then I start for school.


Once I park, I check the time. "Seven thirty, perfect!" I snatch my bag out of the passenger seat and fling my door open. I go inside and greet my few friends as I pass by. "Hey, Felix!" I wave and call to him as I make my way closer. He turns and smiles "Jack! Hey!" He starts walking to me as well, but stops and looks behind him to his left. I was confused at first, but as I got closer I realized he was stopped by a person. Mark was holding Felix's wrist, his face was getting redder as he spoke to him. I slowed down, but continued getting closer. I was right in front of them and I smiled to him "Hey Mark! How're you?"

"Oh, uh, I'm uh, I'm go-good. What about you?" He chuckles.

"Amazing! For now." I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly.

"For now?" he questions.

"Yeah, the jocks usually pick on me every chance they get. Tyler's the worst of 'em all." I cross my arms and take a second to realize who I just said that to. "Oh uh... n-no offense." I chuckle.

"None taken." He smiles at me "I'll talk to Tyler later. I have first with him anyways."

"Really? Why?" I was shocked.

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