I dont know what to do for titles anymore

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Legit you guys don't know how much this has made me feel. I know it's not much but to even think more than 100 people have read my book just makes me feel better about myself. Anyways on with the book.

Johns POV

I woke up with a pain in the ass. Literally.

I didn't know how dominating Sminny was even if he is short.

I think it's clear to say I am gay. And only for My milk. Today in going to ask him on a date. Not just a normal one but one to somewhere I have a feeling he will enjoy.

Last night before you know what happened we talked at dinner a lot. About our favourite foods, drinks, perfect dates, all that stuff.

Over all I learnt a lot about him and god he is different.

(This part is what I think Smii7y would kinda like)

He loves the colour red, and his second favourite colour is blue. He loves the snow. He was born in Canada. He loves to talk about others more than himself. He's selfless, rebellious, cute, funny and joyous. But the very old marks on his wrists tell me different.

I really want to know why he was like that but I don't want to ask him yet. I don't think he's okay with it yet.

Sminny groans as he wakes up. Good thing classes don't start for a few days. I think I'll need those few days to recover.

'Morning baby' He whispers into my ear. He tried to be bigger than me and hug me from behind but I'm still taller than him.

'Mornin.... when are we going to tell everyone?' I ask him he shrugs his shoulders holding onto me because it's cold.

'Hey baby wanna go on a date tonight?' No that's to average. Everyone says that. I know!

'Hey baby wanna hang out again today?' I ask him With a wink. He blushes a light pink.

He knows what I was referring to. He reply's with a small yes.

'Well you better get ready bay beee' I say and jump out of his arms. Still naked mind you.

I go over to my closet pulling out a pair of boxers. I grab some jeans and a pink hoodie.

I look in Jarens closet. I grab out some jeans and a blue hoodie. To match me sorta. My jeans are black and his are white. I grab some boxers for Jaren and throw his stuff at him.

'Get dressed you sexy ass motherfucker' I yell at him.

He groans slowly sitting up. Still naked as well. God he's hot.
He stands up and grabs his boxers about to put them on when he realises I'm staring at his member. He smirks looking at me up and down. I'm not dressed yet either.

While I'm staring I can tell he sees me getting aroused making him aroused.

I run into the bathroom. He didn't notice when he wasn't looking I took a photo.

I open up the photo and look at it. I'm already so aroused from it I begin to jack of to it.

I keep groaning his name quietly. Because of my moans I can't  hear anything in the other room. I begin to moan louder making it hard for me to hear.

So hard I didn't hear the door open and close until I felt something hard in my lower region apart from my hand

I look down and see Jaren pressing his aroused member against my upper thigh. This is how short this bitch boi is.

'Shhh baby we can't do this' i lean down murmuring to him. He whimpers making it hard for me to resist but I do. I kiss his nose and boop it while walking out.

I grab my clothes putting them on as Jaren puts his on.

We walk out the door after a while of getting ready and head out of this nice place called 'Jem Diner', it's owner by my 3 best friends. Jasmin, Ebony and Mikayla. It was Mikaylas birthday today so I thought maybe I could see her.

While we were walking over to my truck I looked at the time,


Damb we woke up at like 9 and it's already 6?

Jesus we are lazy asses.

We get in my truck and head out to the restaurant.

Hopefully it goes as well as last night

Short I fucking know ok?

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