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Okay well on with the chapter


Johns POV

"Wake up" I heard a soft voice whisper to me. The voice sounded beautiful and I knew who it was.

"Morning Baby" I mumble turning to face him. I nudge my face into his chest so he doesn't leave me

"Jooooooo- oh god John" Jaren begins saying then it's cut off when I grab something. I didn't know what it was until he slightly moaned st the end of his sentence.

"Mhm" I mumble back to Jaren pretending to be innocent.

"Fuck John I don't want to not go on our date because you fucking me" he mumbles and move my hand around his erection.

As soon as it processes in my head that today was the day I was proposing to him I quickly shot up letting go of jarens member.

He reaches out to me signifying he wants more but I shake my head at him. At that he groans and begins to get up.

"Damb you, you sexy beast" he mutters as he gets up.

"You say in sexy? You should see yourself" I say. His face turns red signifying I wasn't supposed to hear him.

"Suck my dick bitch" Jaren mumbles under his breath

"Been there done that" I say as I go over to my closet taking out a pair of black jeans and a red t-shirt.

I turn around and see the pink tint on Jarens ears signifying he's blushing.

Heh it's easy to do that.

I walk over to the bathroom and close the door doing the normal things you do in the bathroom.

And no I didn't jerk off. Though I do still have that picture of Jaren on my phone.

Nah better not keep him waiting.

I walk out of the bathroom dressed and I see Jaren lying on the bed on his phone scrolling though Instagram.

He clicks the home button obviously going to another app but his background surprises me.

It's a photo of me. Naked. Jerking off.

Damb that bitch.

"You cuck" I say as I jump onto the end almost landing in him.

"Please tell me you didn't see my background." He whispers

"Oh I saw it and I want a explanation" I said raising my eyebrow at him. His face is a slight red and he looks away from me.

"Ya know that day you Jerked off to me in the bathroom a while ago? Like a year ago? Yeah uhh I may or may not have taken a picture of you" he says trying to get it out of the way so we can leave.

"Fineeee that's a good enough explanation" i mumble and get off the bed. I make sure to grab my phone and the box and walk out.

I place the box in my pocket and walk out. My jeans are a little baggy so I think I'm good.

We walk out of the room and I see the sun is getting low. I check my phone.


Got 23 minutes to get there. Should be enough time.

We walk down the stairs and reach my car. I open the door for Jaren because I'm a gentleman.

"Why thank you sir" Jaren says to me in a horrible posh accent.

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