Chapter 10 : N ♥ N

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Nusa's POV

I woke up by my phone buzzing. I looked at it but the light hurt my eyes. I had to blink them a couple of times before i could actually read the text. I first looked at them time 2 am. Why is he up so late or early whatever you wanna call it. I read the text.

Hi baby. I just wanted to tell you that i love you. And i know we told everyone that we were dating for 5 months, and i know you'd think i would forget. But i didn't. So happy 5 months anniversary. I wish you were laying beside me right now.. xxx Niall. 

AWH. Yes he was right. And i really thought he'd forget but he didn't which is really cute. Hehe.

I didn't reply, cause i will see him tomorrow. I fell asleep with a huge smile on my face.

* Morning*

The girls woke me up. "HELLOOO" May yelled. "Morning sunshines." I smiled and grabbed my phone. No new messages from Niall. So i decided to text him. 

Hi cutie. I read your text and you're so adorable. HAPPY 5 MONTHS ANNIVERSARY. I'll see you in a couple hours. xxx Nusa.

I looked at the girls. " I have to go in a couple hours." They looked confused. "It's my 5 months anniversary, so i'm going to Niall." Thet all smiled like idiots. Then they crushed me into a hug. "GIRLS. CAN'T. BREATH." I said and they pulled back. " What are you thinking? GO GET DRESSED AND GO TO YOUR MAN!" Jeslin yelled and smiled. I jumped up and dressed myself. Then my phone went off. 

"Hello..?" I answered my phone. "Hi babe.." I heard Niall's voice, with his gorgeous Irish accent. "I wanted to tell you that.. eh.. You need to dress up nicely. We're going on a date." He said. " Okay but where are we going then?" I asked. " Your favorite place." He said and hung up the phone. I looked at the girls again. "What's up hun?" Vanessa asked and i looked at her. " He's taking me on a date.. To the beach." I smiled. "WE HAVE TO FIND YOU A GORGEOUS OUTFIT!" Jeslin yelled and jumped up. She walked over to her closet and pulled out all of her clothes. This is gonna take a while.

( See the outfit at the sidebar >>)

After almost 2 hours we were finally done. I looked very good. The girls did a great job. Haha.

"Thank you girls!" I yelled and hugged them. Then i left. Niall's house wasn't far from their place so i could walk. I rang the doorbell and Harry opened it. "Hello pretty lady!" He said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Such a flirt. "HARRY! SHE'S MINE!" I heard Niall screaming. I chuckled. " I know i know.." Harry said and walked away. Niall burst through the door, into the living room. He gasped. " You look.. AMAZING!" He yelled and kissed me passionatley. After a few minutes we left. It was a long ride to the beach, but it was cozy in the car. We just talked about everything. We finally arrived. He jumped out of the car and hold the door open for me, helping me out of the car. What a gentleman. "WHy thank you sir." I smiled and kissed his cheek. It was still sunny outside but in 2 hours the sun will be gone. We walked to a cute spot where we could have a nice dinner. "This is beautiful." I said and looked him in his beautiful blue eyes. " Just like you." He said and grabbed my hand. He hold my hand the intire time we sat there. "So.. how was your sleepover with the girls?" He asked and smiled. "It was fun." "I missed you, beside me." He said. Awh. I stood up and walked over to him. ( He sat across from me.) I sat down on his lap. "I missed you too." I smiled. Our noses were touching before he crashed his lips on my. He's such a good kisser. Just saying. Our tongues moved in perfect sync. After a couple of seconds he pulled back. I stood up and sat down again. The waiter brought our food and we ate in in a peaceful silence. He kept staring at me, which made me blush. " Let's dance." He suddenly said after we finished our dinner. He stood up and reached his hand. I grabbed it and we started slow dancing. Even though he sucked at dancing, it was really cute. He almost lost his balance. I burst out of laughter. " That's not funny!" He said, fake crying. " Hush little baby don't you cry." I said before kissing him passionatly. He grabbed my waist and spun me around. I pulled back and started running along the beach. The sun was now almost gone. I suddenly felt two strong arms around my waist. It scared the hell out of me, even though i knew it was Niall. I fell to the ground and he fell ontop of me. "Niall! Don't ever do that to me again." I said and he burst out of laughter. He kissed me, while still lying ontop of me. I turned around, now i was ontop of him. We kissed for a couple of minutes. He looked me into my eyes. "I love you Nusa. Never forget that." He said. I almost burst out of tears, cause of his cuteness. "I love you too." I said and he kissed me again. This boy loved kissing. After a while i pulled back and lied down next too him. We looked at the sunset in a peaceful silence. He held my hand while we lied there. He sat up straight and wrote something in the sand. I looked at it. He wrote : 'N ♥ N' I grabbed my phone and snapped a picture of it. I smiled at him and kissed him. "This is the best date ever. Happy anniversary." I said one more time. After an hour we went home again. We walked into the house and the boys stared at me. "What?" I yelled and Louis crushed me into a hug. "I thought maybe Niall kidnapped you. My little baby." He said and i burst out of laugher. After that me and Niall went to his room. He closet the door and put on some romantic music. I bit my lip and pulled of my dress. He picked me up and layed me down on the bed. " You wanna do this?" He asked. I nodded and bit my lip.  He started kissing my neck. AND ONE THING LED TO ANOTHER..


Tell me what you guys think. And Nusa, i apologise if i may have killed you. Hahahaha (: x

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