Chapter 15 : This is a real FML moment. ( Part two )

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Liam's POV

It was somewhere in the afternoon, i really don't kow what time it actually was. Me and the lads were just chillin in the studio, we just finished our stuff. Niall was still busy writing some songs and Louis and Haz were just messing around. Zayn was texting with his girlfriend, as usual. I was freaking bored now. "SOMEONE BRING ME FOOOOOOD!" Niall suddenlyy yelled. "How about a cup of shut the ef up?" Louis said. I burst out of laughter. "Niall, why don't you get food yourself?" He looked up. "I'm too lazy bro." I laughed again. We spent another 2 hours in the studio. I was on my phone replying to some fans when it suddenly rang. I shocked and i dropped my phone. Great. I picked it up. It was Nusa calling. Why is she calling me? I picked up. "Helloo..?" "Yeh Liam, Nusa here.-" "Niall, it's for you." I cut her off. I wanted to give the phone to Niall but Nusa screamed. "NO LIAM! I NEED YOU! IT'S.. IT'S JESLIN! SOMETHING TERRIBLE HAPPENED!!" She yelled. Whut? "WHAT HAPPENED?!" II jumped up. The boys looked at me. She told me 1/23456453258 of what happened and told me to come to Matty's house. She first told me the address of course. " Matty did something terrible to Jess. I need to go there." I said and the boys nodded. They followed me as we jumped in the car. Harry drove, i didn't have my driving licence yet. 

After about 10 minutes we arrived at the place. This was Matty's house. I ran inside. June was crying on the ground. Nusa ran up to me. "He.. I think he.. I think he killed her.." She cried her eyes out. I saw a room, the door was broken. I walked towards it. I saw her. I saw her lying on the floor. I saw Vanessa and some other boy. They were bleeding. I ran towards Jeslin. Her face was pale and she didn't move. She just lied there, naked. That son of a bitch.. raped her? I grabbed her and pulled her into my lap. "Jeslin.. Jess wake up!" I yelled but she still didn't move. "WHERE IS THE POLICE? THE AMBULANCE!!" I yelled. "I ALREADY CALLED THEM THEY'RE ON THEIR WAY!" Nusa yelled. The lads walked in. Their eyes went huge when tey saw us. Niall ran up to Nusa and hugged her. Zayn sat down on the couch with his head in his hands. Louis and Harry stood there frozen. I grabbed my phone again. "911 what's your emergency?" "MY GIRLFRIEND HAS BEEN BEATEN UP! SOMEONE HELP HERE! SHE DOESN'T MOVE!"I yelled in the phone. Wait? Did i just say girlfriend? Ugh never mind. They woman told me there were police on their way. It seemed to take forever. It were actually only 10 minutes. 

Paramedic's POV 

 What the hell happened in here? I walked into the room. Blood literally EVERWHERE. Some boy was sitting on the ground with the victim in his arms. We walked up to him and lied the girl on the stretcher. I could see broken bones just by looking at her face. Who did this? It was awful to look at. I looked at the boy. He was crying. Some police officer walked up to him. "Is this your girlfriend?" He nodded and cried his eyes out. I felt so bad for him. He looked very familiar. Like i've seen him before. We brought the girl to the ambulance and not even 2 seconds later we were on our way to the hospital.


Liam's POV 

Jeslin was gone. On her way to the hospital. What i just saw was.. unbelievable. I can't breath. Did he just kill her? No she was still breathing when i held her. But it wasn't good. I don't think it is gonna be okay. YES IT WILL BE OKAY. 

I walked up to Zayn. He was still sitting on the couch. "What the hell did i just noticed?" He whipered. He was in shock. And he was furious. He stood up and walked acroos the room. He ran his hand through his hair. "UUUGH I'M GONNA KILL HIM!" He yelled and hit the wall with his hand. "FUCK!" Oh gosh.. I think his hand is broken. I looked around. Police everywhere. And paparrazzi. Shit, i didn't think about that. There's gonna be a lot of rumours. 

I stood up and went to see Vanessa. She was sitting in another ambulance. Her head was bleeding. She sat next to some guy. "Are you guys ok?" I asked and they nodded. "Who is this?" The guy asked and Vanessa told him i was a good friend of Jeslin. I sat down next to the guy, his name was James. I held my head in my hands. The tears streamed down my face. James rubbed my back. Then some police officer came in. "I need to talk to you, James isn't it?" He asked and Jmes followesd him . Vanessa sat down next to me. "Liam.. It's gonna be fine.." She said. I looked up and pulled her into a hug. We both cried. I still can't believe what just happened. I kept seeing her pale face. I can't handle this. 


Sorry it's short but the next chapter will be better. :\  

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