Chapter 18 : She'll get crazy, when she walks in.

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Liam's POV

I woke up and looked next to me. Jeslin, the beautiful angel was lying next to me, still sleeping. I stepped out of bed, forgetting i was naked. I smiled of the thought of last night. I walked into the bathroom and closed the door. After i showered i walked towards the bed again. Sleeping beauty wasn't awake yet. I'm excited to show her, her surprise. She'll be SOOOOOO happy i know it for sure. I kissed her forehead and her eyes shot wide open. She crawled to the other side of the bed. She looked so afraid of me. "Jess.. It's me!" I yelled and walked up to her. She kept staring at me. I grabbed her arm, cause it seemed like she was still sleeping or something. She pulled her arm back. Omg she was scared of me. WHUT? "Jeslin.. You think i was going to hit you or something?" She started crying. Oh god, i think she had another nightmare. I sat down next to her and grabbed her face carefully. "Jess, i would NEVER hit you. I would NEVER EVER hurt you, you understand?" She nodded and i pulled her into a hug. I can't believe she thought that.. that i was going to hit her. "I'm sorry Liam.. Of course you didn't wanna hit me, i'm so stupid. I'm so sorry." She said and cried in my shoulder. " I think i need to talk to someone.. Just a therapist or something, i don't know." She looked at me and i nodded. Someone had to help her with her nightmares. After almost 2 hours sitting there talking it was time to bring her my surprise. I almost forgot about it. "Jess, i have a surprise for you remember? But first you have to get dressed." I smiled. She looked confused but she did what i said. As soon as she was in the bathroom i walked into the living room. He was already there, chilling with Harry. With 'him' i mean Ed, Jeslin's favorite singer. She'll go crazy when she walks in. "Hey man, how are you?" I asked and he gave me the sup nod. "I'm okay man. So.. Have you told her about me yet." I smiled and shook my head. "It'll be a big surprise." I smiled.

Jeslin's POV

I took a shower and got dressed. I'm really curious about the 'surprise'. Maybe it's another date. Or he'll sing for me with the lads. Oh wait, he already did that a couple of times. So no, that's probably not the surprise. 

So i wore denim shorts  and a loose pink tank top. I walked outside the room and closed the door behind me. I turned around and gasped.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH MYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. I can't believe this. ED SHEERAN WAS STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. I looked at Liam and he smiled. " Hi! You must be Jeslin!" Ed walked up to me and reached his hand. I couldn't move. "H..Hi" It came out more as a whisper, and i shook his hand. Then he sat down on the couch. I gave Liam a confused look. 'sit down next to him' he mouthed and i obeyed. I still couldn't believe it. My idol. My everything. The guy that helped me trough a lot without him knowing. I looked at him with big eyes. "So, Liam told me a lot about you. I heard you're a singer too?" He asked and i nodded. Wait.. "Do you guys know each other?" They both nodded. "Eddie is my best mate." Harry walked in and laughed because apparently the look on my face was priceless. "How come i didn't know!" I yelled. Liam smiled. "Cause i wanted to surprise you." He sat down next to me and kissed my cheek. We talked for a long LONG time. He told me a lot, and so did i. "Your music helped me trough a lot." I said and his face lit up. "Well, that's great. I mean, i'm glad that my music helped you." He smiled and so did i. After that he suggested to sing a song. He started playing Give Me Love, which was my favorite song. I bet Liam told him that it was my fav song. "I guess this one was your favorite, wasn't it?" He asked after he finished the song. I nodded. "How did you know?" "I just know." I chuckled. He was so nice. "I need to go.. Just finish some..  stuff." He said and said his goodbyes. After he left, i jumped into Liam's arms. 'Babe, you are the best!' I screamed and i smiled. He kissed me. 'Dont thank me yet.' He said and grinned. He let me go and grabbed my waist. I grabbed his neck and he kissed me passionate. 'Why not?' I asked eventually. He smiled but he didnt reply. He pulled away and grabbed something. It was an envelope. He gave it to me. 'What is it?' I asked and he shrugged. I knew he knew something but he wanted to keep it a secret which was very sweet. I opened it and it was a letter. I read it.

Hi Jeslin, 

You're an amazing girl. Liam told me a lot about you. I had a nice talk with you, you're very sweet. I also really REALLY liked your voice. Maybe.. i just wanted to know.. 

Would you like to make a song with me? Maybe, only if you want to, i dont know if you want to become famous or anything, but if you want to, let Liam know and he'll give you my number. Then we can talk about it. If you dont want it it's alright. :)

OOH MY DEAR GOD. What? He.. Ed.. wants to write a.. a song with m-me? My jaw was on the ground. 'Dont you wanna do it?' Liam asked. 'Uh.. Liam, he's my favorite singer. OFCOURSE I WANT!' I yelled and i hugged him again. '"Lemme call the girls." I ran to my room and grabbed my phone. I called the girls. I'm lucky cause they were all together. I told them i met Ed, and told them about the songwriting part. They couldnt stop screaming. I asked them if they wanted to join me, i didn't want to do it by myself. After that i told Liam about it, and he was going to tell Ed. After all this i hugged him again. He grabbed my waist and i wrapped my arms around his neck. "Is there anything else you want?" He asked and i smiled. "No Liam, i've got everything i ever wanted." I replied and kissed him. 



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