Welcoming death.

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Tsurugi fell down weak and tired. The golden eyed man had been fighting some rogue subclass trying to escape C3's holding cell area. They led him to an area where the other agents were not located when he chased them.  But he was losing. Too much blood loss and too many injuries were causing him to be weaker with every passing moment. The subclass escaped and now he laid on the floor cold and tired knowing he was dying. No one else was there with him. Too much was going on right now trying to contain the rogues escaping that no one noticed Tsurugi was missing. He moaned softly closing his eyes. 

As his breath got slower he felt colder and lonely. No one knew he was dying...no one cared. "At least...it's almost over...hehe..." He whispered softly waiting to die. Tsurugi was not scared. No he welcomed death. For to him it would be a release from his pain. At least he would no longer live a life where no one cared. He would no longer burden anyone, and he was worthless right? So who cared now if he died. He was close to losing consciousness  as he heard something approaching him. It was footsteps. Soft but got closer to him. The raven haired man staid quiet assuming maybe one of the rogues came back to finish him off. But then a soft voice spoke up. "Tsurugi...?" The voice was familiar and seemed caring. But he could not recognize it. {Maybe this is the angel of death calling my name...?} He wondered unable to look up or even open his eyes to see who was standing over him.

He then felt two strong arms gently pick him up from the ground and hold him close. Again oddly like the voice this seemed familiar to Tsurugi. "I need to get you back to safety." The voice said as Tsurugi felt whoever it was carry him holding him close. Soon everything faded to black he lost consciousness. 

When Tsurugi came to he was laying in a hospital bed. Standing by him was Junichirou and Yumikage who were waiting to see if their friend would be okay. "Y..Yumi~chan? Jun...?" Tsurugi asked in a soft weak voice. "Hey there Tsurugi. How are you?" Junichirou asked with concern written all over his face. "You scared us half to death." Yumikage added relieved Tsurugi was okay. "I...I am fine. How did I get here?" He asked confused as to how he was still alive and who brought him to the hospital. Junichirou looked at him then Yumikage. "Well actually Touma~san found you and brought you here." He said. Tsurugi's golden eyes widened. The soft friendly voice,the being held. It was Touma? Of course...that voice. The kind gentle voice how Touma use to talk to him when he was younger. So he saved Tsurugi? A slight smile appeared on Tsurugi's face at the idea maybe Touma still cared about him.

AN : Thanks to some online group chats rps and rereading of the manga so far I believe part of Touma may still care for Tsurugi and that inspired this story.

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