Chapter 10

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Ace's POV:

With un even breaths I make my way towards the water dispenser. The stinking smell of everyone around makes me wanna throw up knowing that I am probably smelling worth than them.

I gulped water way faster than normal so some of it spilled to my shirt. I didn't care, this training was going for a long time and I was dehydrated.

Gym is full with the strongest members of the gang. They are more than I thought they would be. They are all over the New York. Some came from other towns. This makes me think about the possibility of creating another base in some other state. I am sure Chance would be happy with possibility of making our network bigger.

Chance's yelling brings me back from my thoughts and I look around trying to spot her. SHe and few other people are in the ring middle of the gym. She is instructing them with few technics as one of the sits on the ground trying to catch his breath.

Wrong move buddy.

Chance looks at him and back at others who are looking as exhausted as their friend. She takes a deep breath and yells. "Everyone take break. If you are gonna die it would be in battle field not in the gym. " Loud sighs of relief echo through the whole place and I stiffen the laugh.

By now Max made his way towards me and he was already shirtless which made few people concentrate on him rather than their short brake. "Put on your shirt dumbass. I am sure you don't want Tony to see you showing of to everyone. " Max smiled and threw his shirt at me.

I grimaced as it hit my shoulder and kicked it away from me. "Ugh, now I will have to take a longer shower." Max smirked innocently at my remark.

"Longer shower? You sure you can manage it before the mission tonight." Jason joined to the conversation as he was whipping away his sweat. I roll my eyes at both of them. "I am not THAT slow."

"Um, you sure? Yesterday it took you half an hour to just take a normal shower. 30 minutes, Ace, 30 minutes." Max exclaimed once again.

Due to Chance staying in my room and that room having the only built in bathroom, I had to use the main one and everyone wasn't happy about it.  "Ok, now I understand why you gave the room with bathroom without any second thought." Boys all nodded in agreement which made me chuckle.

I made my way to the armory. Being sure that you have everything that you need before the fight is the most important part of preparation. When I got the I saw that Chance is already talking with the Dave- the weapon guy.  They both turned their attention to me as I made my way towards them. "Everything good in here?" I asked and Dave nodded with confidence.

"Yes, I already told Chance about the new arrivals and the total amount of stuff that we have for tonight. You can check again if you want to." Dave moved his clipboard towards me but I shook my head.

Dave nodded at both of us and made his way out of the room. I looked at Chance who was fixing her arms bandage trying to make it tighter.  "Want me to help?" I offered and she shook her head.

There it is again. The ignoring. She is super distant and ignoring towards me. Yeah, she is distant from all of us. But with me It is like she built a fucking skyscraper between us.

She winced as she tightened it and took a deep breath to calm herself. "You sure about the mission tonight?" I asked and she finally turned to look at me.

This mission is about destroying whatever is left of Felix's people. Their base is in the outskirts of the city and they are really vulnerable now. Perfect time for the attack.

Chance's arm was still healing so, we decided to keep her out of the mission. Which she didn't like at all.  She nearly threw off her arm protection off to prove me wrong. But it hurt her in the process so she agreed on not going.

And then she re announced herself as a tracker of the mission. "I will stay in the car and track that everything goes right." I brushed it off hoping that she will change her mind.

"Yes, Ace I am totally sure about it. No, my arm is not hurting. And yes, I will have my knives on me for protection. So maybe you can stop with this bullshit."  She said angrily.

"Why you getting angry? I am just making sure." I tried to defend myself which made her roll her eyes. "That's the problem. Stop acting like I am child who needs assistance. I can totally manage just sitting in the car and tracking your actions. I am not that stupid."

"You are not stupid but stubborn as fuck. Can't you just sit this one out. I don't need to look out for you to not get killed and manage this mission at the same time." I was talking louder now too.

"That's your fucking problem, man. I. Am. Not. A. Child. I don't need your assistance. I can totally protect my ass if something goes wrong. Find better stuff to worry about. " Chance was furious by now. I don't care. I am gonna speak my mind.

"You are definitely acting like a child now. Your arm is broken, you don't remember half of your life. And still insist on going to the fight. What the fuck are you planning to do if they get to you huh?" I talked while moving my arms around.

"I am not some doll you can put in to the shelf until I feel better. I am not broken, Ace. I am NOT fucking broken. And I remember the important part of my life anyway. I remember my job. But I can't tell the same about you. " She turned away from me and started walking away.

"Stop acting like a middle-aged asshole who's married to his job. You need to stay back. It is not healthy for you to jump back to the trap that nearly killed you." I started walking too.

Chance stopped and turned to look at me. "Stop bossing me. You seem to forget that this place is mine too. I have as much right in here as you. And maybe I am married to my job, what's your problem with it?" She looked at me impatiently waiting for me answer.

"I fucking worry about you! I can't lose you again. Do you get that?  That fucker is the cause of all of this. I can't risk you in there again. " I said.

She turned and started walking but suddenly stopped. She looked at me for a brief second. "You can't lose thing that's not yours, Ace. And I don't remember ever being yours."

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