Why I have Male Ocs?

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Hello, people from different worlds! It's me! Jewellery Conny! To kill that 'egear(?)'-ness from waiting for other chapters to be updated or released, there's a question. And you may leave questions too! I'll answer them in this book... Hopefully._.

So, here's a question I think ya'll ask me a lot! Let's pretend one of my Ocs asks me this question instead! That will make things slightly interesting!

Yuuta : *Pretends* Why do you have so many male Ocs!!!!????

Well, to answer that question has a lot of reasons why. Let's just say I'm quite prepared for this.

#1 Reason - I tend to have a huge interest in making male Ocs. For example; Storm is my first ever male Oc. But, Alpha is my other main Oc who based on my boyfriend. Storm supposed to be my 'Imaginary Boyfriend' IRL. But since I already have a BF, I decided to use him as a character who acts like a brother.

#2 Reason - I don't like the idea of owning so many girls Ocs. Like it's so sexist like. Plus, it may offend people or people will say that I keep having the same gender Ocs.

#3 Reason - Ideas for males usually tend to overflow my mind instead of females. Plus, If I try to have ideas for females, I just only have Ideas for my main Oc, Jewel. Plus, if I did, it just adds to either Jewel or my other Oc, Camillia.

#4 & Last Reason - Most of these male Ocs based off the recent anime shows I have watched. Most anime shows that I have seen are mostly action based or either adventure. Some are romance based but in the respective of the male character's view.

So, Let me list down my Ocs and the Bolded Name will be the male Oc:

Jewel Conny
Shadow Conny
Kuro Conny
Ein June
Ethan June

Camillia Star
Alpha Lockstone
Ruby (I don't have a family name for her ;-; Any suggestions?)
Alex (Same goes for him...)
Dante ((New... I guess))

There... Hm... *Counts the name* WHA?! 7 Boys?! OMG! *Laughs softly* That's my favorite kpop band's number of members... Hahaha! GOT7 & BTS XD I can't!...

Anyways... *Ahem* Back to topic... So, yeah...


I have no other words to say or type...

No idea... No nothing...


Help? Pwease~? Any questions? Pretty pwease~?

Edit: I forgot that I had 'Storm' T-T I'm so sorry! Welp, I guess I have 8 Male Ocs! Hehehe... MY ADDICTIONS...

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