Insecurity [Part 1]

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Kuro: Hello, Readers! I am Kuro~Kun! I'm Jewel's 2nd brother... And the only Kitsune in the Connys Family. For those who know me already, please ignore my three sentences earlier. If you're asking 'Where's Jewel?'... Well, she's not exactly here yet. So, I decided to help her! Please keep in mind that I'm her older brother and I love her dearly~

Kishi: KURO~KUN!

Kuro: Ah, Kishi... Hello~

Kishi: Eh? What are you doing here?

Kuro: I have to help Jewel with her... talks?

Kishi: Oh, I see. Can I join in?

Kuro: Mhm! Readers, this is Kishi~Kun! My best friend and obviously, Jewel's senior!

Kishi: Heya! I hope we all can get along well!

Kuro: Now... First topic...

+~* Insecurity *~+

What is Insecurity?

Kuro: Well, there's two meaning; uncertainty or anxiety about oneself & the state of being open to danger or threat. Today, we'll be focusing on the 'Lack of Confidence' which is the first one.

Kishi: Most of us experience this, Correct?

Kuro: Yes! Indeed! Since this is Jewel's, we're here to tell you all which part of her she isn't confident about. All I could tell was that she isn't confident in her drawing skills at times. She tends to look at others and made her slightly disappointed in herself. Not only that, but she also takes anyone who's very good at art and criticises her as something she needs to improve badly. 

Kishi: What does that mean, Kuro~Kun? [What's Jewel's Insecurities?]

Kuro: It means that she'll instantly draw with no motivation nor inspiration. Sure... She did look for it. But to her, it doesn't help much. All she could was stay in the 'Hiatus' zone or just... stop drawing again.

Kishi: That's terrible!

Kuro: Mhm. She sometimes feels like she needed to cry too. All she can do was stop for a few days of drawing and watch some happy videos.

Kishi: Any other insecurities she has?

Kuro: Yes! There's one which she's has for at least 2 years and that is her studies. Ever since 9th grade, she has a habit to try to complete her work given by her teachers on that day itself. She loves doing them in class... Even though it was assigned as Homework... When her friends have a higher score than her, she tends to blame herself for what she says as 'Stupid'. Or in other cases, 'Dumbbutt'.

Kishi: No~ She's smart!

Kuro: Well, not in her point of view. She also heard teachers' pieces of advice as something that she really is. A Lazybutt, Someone Who Has No Knowledge and etc. She'll look down and feel that huge weight on her. Sometimes, she'll blame herself. Again, almost the same thing as earlier.

Kishi: Nuuuu~ Jewel~San is good enough! She needs more love than those terrible and means comments!

Kuro: True~ She really has huge insecurity with her English work most of the time. She always gets the wrong answers here and there. And whenever she heard someone who has higher marks than her in that subject, she'll blame herself again and tries her best not to be the envy of that person.

Kishi: I feel bad for her now...

Kuro: So do I... Well, we have talked this far and I think we should stop here.

Kishi: Yes! There will be a part 2! Where we'll see how Jewel conquers these insecurities! 

Kuro: Mhm, please be noted that part 2 may or may not help any of you all. This is just how Jewel conquers it. If you find it helpful, then... I'm glad!

Kishi: Till' then!

Kuro: Keep that smile on your face!

Kishi: From Kuro~Kun and Kishi~Kun!

*~+ Kuro & Kishi finished their sevices! +~*

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