Insecurity [Part 2]

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Kuro: Hello Readers! Welcome Back! As you all know, Jewel's busy and as promised! Part 2 is here!

Kishi: If you don't remember me, I'm Kishi~Kun! I'm here as well! 

Kuro: Yup! Like we both promised, we'll be reviewing on how Jewel overcome insecurities!

Kishi: Let's Go!

~+ 1- Ignore Bad Comments! +~

Kuro: First, she ignores all the negative and bad comments. All she could reflect on is the best choices she could do.

Kishi: This is the Best advice! It's better to just listen to your own self than others!

Kuro: Let's move on to the second tip!

~+ 2- Stay Positive! +~

Kuro: All Jewel does is think Positive! AND That's good! She just thinks something that would make her happy and smile. 

Kishi: Mhm! Thinking good memories also make your body a little healthier! And that's a fact!

Kuro: Yup, a fact indeed!

~+ 3- Keep On Practicing! +~

Kuro: When Jewel has the Lack Of Confidence in her art, she kept on practising! She finally drew my character! TwT I'm proud of her. I look quite cute when she drew me. 

Kishi: Mhm. She drew the cutest smile on Kuro!

Kuro: Right! Let's try to practice more, Shall we?

~+ 4- Look for Inspirations! +~

Kuro: Ah~ One of Jewel's little habit!

Kishi: You're saying she look for inspirations, Kuro~Kun?

Kuro: Yeah, she does. She also sought for those amazing inspirations from both music and other amazing artwork.

Kishi: Well, I didn't know that! I guess we have one last tip?

Kuro: Yes!

~+ 5- Sleep Those Thoughts Over! +~

Kuro: This means Jewel just try her best to sleep and forget about it. Most of the time, this works about 50% in her life. The other 50% would still stick in her head. It can cause her to have a major headache when she wakes up without sitting up.

Kishi: Ouch... That must be hurtful.

Kuro: Of course. I hate to see her in pain. Unlike what happened a few weeks ago...

Kishi: What happened?

Kuro: Well, I can't exactly say it. It could be a spoiler to her next topic. So...

Kishi: Awe~ What a bummer! Well, Readers and I shall wait now! Don't we?

Kuro: Don't worry! Jewel will be back in about a weeks time! 

Kishi: What about her chapters?!

Kuro: She'll post some!

Kishi: Isn't this part 2 quite short?

Kuro: Yeah, it is. But we don't want this to be too long.

Kishi: Alright! I guess it's time to say goodbye...

Kuro: Yes, it is.

Kishi: Well then... See ya' Readers!

Kuro: Farewell~!

~+ Kuro & Kishi's Service is finished! +~

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