Dear dad's diary.
I found this journal in dad's trunk when I was sorting things out a day before yesterday. I'm adding this entry so that readers come to know that I read it.
With this journal was a photo album and on it was a sticky note which said,
I laughed. Mom and dad had this joke going on about how they didn't like lemonade. Dad once told me that uncle Saim once said to him that "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade".
Dad had replied "what if I don't like lemonade."
If this journal is dad's lemonade, I really want to know why he didn't like it.
-The owner of this diary's son,
Omar Reza.
Dear dad's diary.
General Fiction"Dear dad's diary. I found this journal in dad's trunk when I was sorting things out a day before yesterday. I'm adding this entry so that readers come to know that I read it..." Omer's father had never told him about the struggles of his own life...