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A/n: okay, so cheating is wrong, people. Even if it's maths, the subject everybody hates (at least I do). Do not cheat!

Prepare your tests but not now, first enjoy the story....;D


Dear diary.

Do I look like an idiot?

...Because I feel like one.

I should've known. That stupid senior boy sitting at the end of the class wasn't just waiting for the teacher to finish with us. 

It was a math test, today. When we were doing last-Minute revision, the girls were making different gestures with their hands. I couldn't help but notice them. They were trying to make out a way to do the MCQ part.  And it was very good.

I hadn't prepared the test, mainly because I had a hectic day yesterday at work. Lifting boxes, dealing with customers does that to one.  Then I didn't want to prepare too, because I don't like maths at all. (Pft. Who does?) So when the girls would sign a number to each other, I would telly it with my answers and fix the wrong ones.

Azra saw me copying her answers and after that she kept her hand high enough that I could easily see from where I was across the room.

Bless her.

No one else noticed though, not even the other girl Rena... which was good. I made a mental-note to thank Azra later.

Then was the subjective type.

I saw the question paper and almost cursed out loud whoever had made it. It made no sense to me. I tried to make sense of it but the words kept jumbling up with the numbers.

I looked around and saw Azra smile. She was amused. Rena looked back at her a little worried but Azra held up a hand( don't worry my friend) and started scribbling in her sheet. A few minutes later, she quietly passed the sheet to Rena. The teacher didn't even see any thing. He just sat at his desk marking other tests.

Great!! The girls had it sorted out. What was I supposed to do?

I looked around for a while and then tried to solve the equations. But it wasn't happening. This was not my cup of tea.

When almost ten minutes of the rest were left, Azra signed her name on her test and sat back. She was done. I hadn't even started. When she looked back, I made a face to tell her I needed help. She gave little nod and then grabbed her paper, stapled and all, and passed it back to me.


I looked at the sheets, four in all, and wondered if she was an angel. But then it happened.

The collage boy behind me yelled a loud "sir!!" And we, Azra and I, were  both caught red handed.

The teacher yelled at us but as we hadn't exchanged a single word, he let us go.

I was so angry at that guy. He messed  it all up for me. I'm failing already and this help was my ticket out of trouble. He messed it up for me.

When the teacher left, I banged the door shut on my way out of the class.

Now that I'm in my bed writing it down, I feel like a moron. I shouldn't have done that.

God! I shouldn't have asked for her help. She must think of me as an idiot and that I was trying to get her into trouble. If it were a school friend of mine, it would've been okay. But it's a girl I don't even know. I'm so in trouble.

Now what do I do?


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