I thought you were different(13) *carmen^*

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"Excuse me my wife is in labor." A man and woman come rushing in. "Please help us."

I call over two nurses. One with a wheel chair. "Ok their gonna take you to a room and a doctor will be with you shortly just keep breathing." They went off. "Congratulations!"

Going back to my desk I finish up some last minute work before I clock out. As of yesterday I'm a nurse. I mean I did go to school for it and now I'm actually doing it.

"Carmen miss Cisneros wants to see you." Nodding I head for her office. After knocking I walk in taking a seat in front of her desk.

"Carmen you have been a wonder here and everyone is happy with you no complaints all good things. Here is your first check." She hands me the envelope.

"Thank you." As I was getting up to leave she called me back.

"Have you um seen my daughter....Camila?"

"Um yes she was just at my house with Chris the other day. They are officially dating now." I smiled.

Camila and Chris are so cute together. He's such a gentleman with her and she is a sweetheart. I still don't understand why Mr Cisneros doesn't like my son for her.

"Oh....really? That's great...is she happy?"

"Well every time I see her she's smiling so I would say yes she is." She let out a sigh. "I think you and your husband should talk with her. Just something to think about doing I know she must miss being home."

"I know."

Walking out to clock out I gather all of my belongings. What should I make for dinner tonight?



I've been sitting here for about an hour. All I have to do is press the button. Why is this so hard!? Oh just do it! I pressed the button and a picture of Camila when she was younger came up. The phone rang about five times before going straight to voice mail. She must really hate me. I went back to work but still felt the need to speak to her. I decided to leave a voice message. I called and like I expected it went to the machine.

"Camila please call or text anything. I want to know that you are alright. I know your upset about how your father and I handled the situation and I know you are wondering why I didn't speak up but please understand I couldn't go against your father. I love you Cam."

*few days later*



"Oh baby what about this one?" I asked Chris holding up a beautiful long purple dress.

"Oh yeah that's the one."

"You think so I always thought purple looked weird on me." I look up seeing him on his phone playing flappy bird again. "Chris!"

"Yeah baby I said it looks good."

"Te juro que no te soporto a veces siempre en ese maldito teléfono debe haber sólo pedimos el teléfono para que sea su novia desde esa perra obtener más de su atención entonces me."

"Oh damn I'm sorry momma you know how addicting this game is?"

"Oh really is it really that great. Let me see I wanna play." I reach out for his phone with a smile. He hands it to me and I stick it in my back pocket.

"Really babe!?" He laughed.

"Yes really your suppose to be helping me pick out a dress for dinner." I pouted hitting his chest.

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