"That was quite the sexual tension"

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Xavier barked orders firmly to his men as they pulled out of Devil's Port and into the harbor.  Being a captain was not an easy job.  A captain had to harness everyone's abilities for the betterment of the ship and the entire crew.  They had decided at a meeting that making an early straight shot to the island where the Lost Temple existed would keep them on track.  Perhaps, Kurt was still there and they could reunite him with his lost daughter.  

The Lost Temple was located on an island where the homes were built up against the mountain. From far away, it looked like the houses were built on top of one another.  It was a beautiful island and culture.  The people there were laid back, peaceful, and protected the temple from unwanted scrupulous people.  The temple was an ancient testament to a time when the world believed in many gods and goddesses.  It contained statues of these old time thoughts, and was mostly just used as a museum now.  

It would take a couple of days to get there, and they would restock their provisions there at the island.  If anything, it would be an interesting adventure.  Xavier had never been there, but Verin and a few of the other crew members had.  One of his crew, Kane, had been born on the island and had become essential to the current quest at hand.  Kane had taken the wheel ensuring their safe passage through the waters of the open sea back to his homeland.

Once out into the open sea, Xavier almost knocked Aurora over he hadn't even see her.  "Aurora," he stated questioningly noticing she was wearing Leopold's pants once again.  She was barefoot, and her shirt was tucked in to her pants.  Her figure was a bit more visible than last time she wore this outfit, or at least he felt that way because many more of his crew were around.  "Do you have a minute to teach me the sails?" Aurora asked sheepishly.

"Huh?" He was taken aback.

"The sails.  Like how to work them... what they are called.  I'd like to be more of a use than just a cook.  I would like to learn other jobs on the ship," she stated hands on her hips.

He cleared his throat.  He could see her slim and narrow feet as well as her ankles and her leg all the way up to her knee.  Lord give me strength... he thought rubbing his head.

"Sure, I'll teach you," He said signaling Kane to continue his lead with the charge of the ship.  

Xavier took her to the Foresail and taught her all about safety with the sails.  He wanted her to tie a rope around her waist anytime she went to go up and fix the sails in the future.  He made her promise this, as he took his own shoes and stockings off.  She promised, and he showed her how to next tie appropriate knots in the ropes.  Their hands would touch from time to time as she continued to learn the knots, and he willed himself to focus.  Her beauty was such a distraction at times.

He had her next climb the ropes above him, and he instantly regretted it.  Her backside was so obviously there and he was really struggling.  Aurora had no idea of her power over him as she climbed up to where the Foresail met the Fore Topsail.  "Did you already practice this?" He asked curiously meeting her up there.  "No, this seems natural," she smiled down at him.  "Alright well, next," He cleared his throat.  "Aurora, see the rope there?  You want to untie this knot so the Fore Topsail will unfurl and this shall give the ship a bit more speed."

"Done," she shouted within seconds and the sail unfurled just as Xavier said.  "Alright, now we will begin our descent back to the deck," Xavier answered her and noticed her hesitate as shebang her knee letting her other leg meet the rope ladder below her.  Only, her foot missed and she slipped.  He expertly caught her around her waist.  He could feel her body against him, almost every one of her curves.

She could feel him as well, and she blushed feeling his frontside growing.  He was turning red himself.  "Starlight, do you even know what you do to me?" He said sighing as he shook his head meeting her eyes.  "No, but maybe you could tell me sometime," she said forwardly and blushed redder at her own words.

It seemed like forever until they were finally back on the deck.  Xavier adjusted his pants privately, and Aurora struggled to untie the knot around her waist.  "Here," he offered quickly and his fingers brushed around her as he untied her from the rope.  She looked up at him with trust as he dropped the rope around them.  "Thank you, sir," she smiled.  "That was a great lesson, consider me educated."  "Hmm... um.. your welcome," Xavier fumbled around nervously at their close proximity.  She grinned, and went to the other sail to help the other sailors unfurl the Main Topsail."

Off to the side, Verin said, "Whew that was quite the sexual tension, eh Bran?  It's unreal." 

Bran just shook his head, holding back a laugh at the Captain's expense.  "The Captain is whipped," is all he said in answer to Verin.  

The Captain was surely whipped, in which means he was done for when it came to anything having to do with Aurora.  He was in more trouble than he realized, and Aurora knew it too.

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