"Are you going to talk?"

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Verin looked over at Aurora who was checking on the bread.  The men and Aurora had come back to the ship in a pensive mood.  Soon, gossip spread around the ship about George and Robert's information about Captain Lance Kurt and his insane adventure to find the nine wonders of the ocean.  Aurora had looked so confused and Xavier was fumbling over his own words when explaining the nine wonders of the ocean to her siblings and cousins that Verin took it upon himself to bring Aurora down to the kitchen with him.  He was worried about her, and wondered if this already was too much for her?  

Aurora seemed like such a fragile flower to Verin, but he also knew she had to overcome what her seaside village thought of her being a bastard child.  Verin looked away realizing that Aurora was doubting herself and this trip.  He cut the tuna carefully and measured how much more he needed to cut for supper.  "Are you going to talk or just hold all of that crap inside of you?" 

Aurora looked up in shock.  "What?"

"Say it.  You aren't sure if we should continue with the trip.  You worry this is a wild goose chase. What are the nine wonders anyways?" Verin sighed putting his hand on his hip, and his knife down, taking a break from cutting the tuna.  They were ahead of schedule, and Verin thought it was high time to have Aurora come to terms with her doubts.

Aurora's lip quivered as she came to the realization that Verin knew exactly what she was thinking.  "I... yeah," she said emotionally as her voice caught in her throat.  

"Sit," ordered Verin as he kicked a stool carefully towards her.  She sat down and he pulled up another stool next to her.  Tears fell from her eyes silently and he took her hands in his.  "I am not going to tell you to stop crying.  What I am going to tell you to stop is to stop doubting yourself and also Captain Xavier.  He wants to find the Captain just as much as you... perhaps more.  Captain Kurt is his father as well, just in a different way.  You are underestimating Xavier.  Let him lead you... I know that sounds strange to you, sweets.  Yet, letting Xavier take the reins on this is the right thing.  Xavier has been all over the sea and then some.  Some legends aren't going to stop him in his tracks.  You doubting him and yourself could very well stop him though," Verin commanded authoritatively.  

Aurora let the tears far as Verin spoke to her firmly.  She needed a good talk, and Verin was the right person for the job.  "Aurora, the ocean is in your blood.  You may not have been born on the ocean, but your father is one of the kings of the ocean.  Live a little bit.  Let's see where the wind takes our sails.  This is the pirate's life.  We aren't always going to be sure of the waves in front of us, but that is quite alright."  He passed her his blue handkerchief.

The two fast friends sat in the small kitchen under the deck.  Verin brought Aurora close as she cried into his handkerchief.  Aurora felt weak and helpless but did not realize that even strong people need to let go every once in awhile.  She did not know this now, but later down the road she would find what an extraordinary lesson Verin had taught her that day.  Verin was teaching her a priceless lesson that would help her in her future endeavors.  Verin was to become even more important to Aurora as time would go on.  

Currently, Verin helped Aurora dry her eyes and brought her back to reality as they continued their cooking.  He started singing a high energy song and even got Aurora to laugh and sing along with him.  Needless to say, the evening meal that would be provided would have many emotions that had been cooked along with it.  The two friends finished their chores while the rest of the ship prepared for take off the next day.  To where... they were unsure.  Yet, that was the beauty of being a pirate.

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