"I'm going, that's final."

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Xavier had wanted to appear all put together bringing Aurora to the Forecastle Deck picnic.  He unfortunately blundered through a lame excuse to get her out of the awkwardness with Verin.  Aurora seemed so much more incredibly quiet, and he had worried that he had upset her.  He quickly explained as he brought her to the blanket, "I have food, warmth, and comfort here for you Aurora."

Aurora was completely puzzled, though.  First of all, her new friend the cook had insinuated some things right back there and suddenly the man they were talking about stormed his way into the kitchen.  Without so much as a grunt, he had grabbed her hand and dragged her along to the front of the ship.  Now, she was looking at a fur blanket, laid so perfectly across the deck and some food for snacks.  She was actually a bit hungry, making sure everyone else was fed was always such a chore, not to add feeding an entire pirate crew.  She looked over at Xavier who was eagerly and nervously awaiting her answer.

She took a comfortable seat on the blanket, and watched as Xavier took a seat next to her.  He purposefully made sure he was a respectful distance away so as not to invade her personal space.  "Are you hungry at all?" Xavier asked while not making eye contact with her.  She took the moment to admire his attire, the long sleeved off-white shirt was paired with a black vest and boots.  His brown pants fit him in all of the correct spaces, nooks, and crannies.  She blushed catching herself and blurted out, "Beer.  Um, yes, actually beer."  She fumed at her flustered nature, but Xavier took no notice and the beer was quickly passed to her.  He had even already opened it for her.  

She smiled over at him as they made eye contact.  "Xavier, you are always way too kind to me.  Why are you doing this?"  Xavier smiled back happily, "Because I want to, silly."  They continued their friendly banter as he told her about the plan for an early arrival into Devil's Port.  There a bar that was Captain Lance Kurt's favorite bar, could hold secrets of her father's whereabouts.  "My first mates and I shall make a quick stop in, seek information, and come back with what we find," Xavier explained as they continued to sip their beer and break out bits and pieces of the jerky.  

"I would like to go and see the place," Aurora answered excitedly.  "Aurora, there is a lot of filthy men in the establishment.  I wouldn't want you or any of the others to get hurt," Xavier answered as his green eyes looked into hers.  

"I'm going, that's final," she answered staring back at him.  Her sea blue eyes were daring him to go against her decision.  

He sighed frustratedly, "Fine.  You win.  We are getting you pants, a huge hat, and a long straight jacket.  You aren't just waltzing in as a woman, you know."

She smiled with her victory and he groaned while he rolled his eyes.  She admired the scruff growing on his face.  He could have a wonderful trimmed beard coming in soon, and she wouldn't be able to resist him in the slightest.  Her ears burned red as she thought of things that she shouldn't.  

He suddenly laid back on the blanket, patting the spot next to him.  "Aurora, look... the stars are coming out."

She did not hesitate this time, and eagerly laid down on the blanket next to him.  The sky was beautiful and becoming dark with some purple and pink hues in it.  He took her hand in his and laid them down between them.  They pointed out stars and constellations they knew.  He being the sea-faring pirate, perhaps knew a bit more than she.  He never made her feel inferior in their entire conversation as he taught her about the constellations he was taught about by her own father.  She thought about how much she had wanted a father when she was younger.  She was glad Xavier had a chance at a father figure in his life, because otherwise he would still be a slave somewhere in a different land.

"Aurora?" Xavier questioned suddenly, breaking her from her thoughts.

"Yes?" She asked turning to look at him.

"What would you say if... hypothetically a man were to ask you if he could kiss you?  And how would that question make you feel?" He asked staring up at the sky and not making eye contact with her.

"Well it would depend on the man... if it was you for example, I would say yes.  And the question makes me feel butterflies inside of my stomach.  Why?" She asked continuing to look at him.

Suddenly, he moved his arm back to lean against it and looked down at her.  "Because I want to kiss you.  I just don't want to frighten you," He said looking down at her, making the butterflies fly even faster inside of her stomach.

"Hey Aurora, hey Xavier... oooOOOooh blanket!" a voice boomed above them and there stood Johnathan sliding onto the blanket next to Xavier and the other twin Joseph laid down next to Aurora.  

"Invasion!!" Came a shout from the littlest one, Francis as he bounded between Xavier and Aurora and grabbed a handful of jerky to stuff it inside of his face.  He was hyped from the card games he had been playing with Lucy and the rest of the crew.

"Looks fun up here," Leopold added making his way to sit on the corner of the blanket on the other side of Johnathan and Lucy quietly cuddled up to Joseph and Aurora.

Aurora and Xavier exchanged a glance.  "Butterflies?" Xavier grinned mischievously mouthing over to her.  She blushed a deep red and just shrugged mouthing back at him, "Not frightened," as she snuggled up with her family.  Their moment may have been interrupted, but there could be another chance on its way, and most likely both of them were looking forward to it with no interruptions.

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