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ariana grande plays softly in the background. carson and hayden are seated in the gaming chairs, in the middle of an intense game of mario kart. annie and brynn are in the bean bags, gossiping about celebrities as they scroll through instagram. nadia and darius are cozied up on one side of the couch, darius playing with nadia's strawberry blonde locks of long hair. mackenzie sits in between johnnys legs, his focus on watching carson whip hayden's sorry little ass. mackenzie is tired. like real tired. she can barley keep her eyes open.

the exhausted girl, repositions herself. she snuggles into johnny's side, her head resting in his lap. she lets her eyes close as johnny tickles her back, laughing at how mad hayden is getting. he's a sore loser.

"YES, TAKE THAT HAYHOE" carson yells, making mackenzie jolt awake. she flinches, johnny's grasp around her tightening.

she looks up at him pouting.

"i don't feel well" she mumbles, nestling her head into his hoodie. the soft fabric and johnny's chest make the perfect pillow combination.

johnny smiles sadly. the past few days have been the same. mackenzie's must have caught a bug or something. every morning he wakes up to her throwing up and she's getting stomach pains. he feels awful for her. he hates seeing her like that.

"we can go home, i'll make you some soup" he suggests, stroking her cheek with his thumb gingerly. she thinks for a moment but then sighs.

"the girls are having a sleepover at annie's tonight, it's been tradition since lauren left" she shrugs, her voice raspy.

johnny nods in understanding. he misses lauren but he thinks that volunteering in africa is a great thing for her to do. plus, she met some kid named noah on the flight and they ended up at the same volunteer place. weird.

"speaking of which, we should get going kenzie" nadia says through a yawn. she kisses darius goodbye before getting up off of the couch.

"see you tomorrow?" she asks, placing several kisses along johnny's jaw line.

he laughs, moving his head so their lips connect.

"till tomorrow" he smiles.

mackenzie gives him a final kiss before following behind nadia. brynn and annie make their way upstairs too after saying goodbye to their boyfriends.

"alright ass wipes, let me show you how a real champion plays" johnny exclaims.

once at annie's house, the girls help set everything up for movie night. annie makes the cookies and gets the snacks ready while brynn sets up the movies and nadia helps mackenzie with the pillows and blankets.

"hey i have an idea" annie smirks, taking a seat beside mackenzie on the couch. she reaches into the popcorn bowl that's sitting on her lap.

"do tell us" bryynn smiles, intrigued.

"we could have some shots and play dumb games" she suggests, a little too excited.

mackenzie's smile drops.

"no thanks" she she says, passing on the idea. she'd rather not have a hangover in the morning.

"okay fine more for me" annie shrugs. she and nadia get off of the couch and go into the kitchen, probably to pour themselves a drink.

mackenzie's looks at brynn who's typing away at her phone.

"you not in the mood to party either?" mackenzie jokes, laying down some more on the couch.

brynn shakes her head.

a few seconds later, nadia and annie come into the living room with four glasses of vodka. mackenzie rolls her eyes, knowing damn well that they're trying to turn her over to the dark side with them.

"drink. now" nadia insists, holding out the glass for her friend. mackenzie sighs, knowing that she won't get out of it. one drink won't hurt. she hopes.

mackenzie tilts her head back, letting the clear liquid burn her throat and settle in her stomach. she sees brynn doing the same from the corner of her eye. oh no, they got to her too.

one drink soon turns into two and then three and then six.

music is blaring from annie's tv and the movie is on pause they never got past the opening credits. brynn ran to the toilet two minutes ago, probably to throw up. annie is sitting with her legs in a basket, bopping her head along to 'i want it that way' by the backstreet boys and nadia is hanging upside down, off of the couch, the blood rushing to her brain.

"maybe we should sow down" mackenzie suggests, feeling her stomach cramp up.

"don't be stupid! we should go faster" nadia yells, waving her arms around.

annie nods her head, closing her eyes as she sways to the music.

"wait!" the brunette suddenly exclaims, standing up, staggering a little.

"what? do you have another brilliant idea?" nadia giggles.

annie nods her head, scurrying off to somewhere before coming back moments later with brynn by her side. the blonde sits beside mackenzie, cuddling into her.

"we should take these" annie beams, pulling out a box of pregnancy tests from her pocket.

the three girls stare at her in confusion.

"why the hell would we take pregnancy tests? that's just dumb" mackenzie groans, rolling her eyes.

"nonsense" annie objects, taking one out for each of her present friends. "it'll be fun".

giving up and letting loose, mackenzie, brynn and nadia follow annie into the bathroom. they take their turns, peeing on the stick. while they wait, mackenzie bursts into a fit of laughter, realising how stupid she and her friends are.

there's a sudden crash and the sound of things falling on the floor. the four friends rush into annie's bathroom, staring at the floor in shock when they see the tests, scattered eveywhere.

annie spots her cat, shooing it away.

"whiskers knocked them over" mackenzie sighs, starting to pick them back up.

"oh well, it was just for jokes anyway" brynn shrugs.

they all agree but nadia. she instead is too focused on the small stick she holds in her hand. it might be gross yes but right now she's too shocked to care.

"guys, you gotta see this" she whimpers, turning around.

the girls crowd around, all of them covering their mouths when they see the positive sign on the test that nadia holds.

"shit!" annie yells, sobering up immediately.

nadia's eyes begin to water, she looks up at her friends, feeling sick to her stomach.

"the only question is.....who's test is it?".

i'm thinking....sequel?
yes dis is the end
but i feel like i might rewrite
bc it's random but idk lmao
feedback pLz

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