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a taekook fanfiction

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a taekook fanfiction.

"i'll plant a row of daisy seeds
in the space below each eye,
so they'll remind you of your beauty
when they bloom each time you cry."
~ e.h.


Jungkook drummed his fingers lazily against the shiny wooden desk, looking past the plots of flowers blooming by the entrance of the shop to the empty courtyard.

He hummed a song to himself, forgetting the name but remembering the tune, and sighed softly. The familiarity felt warm on his tongue.

He continued humming as he heard the sound of a bell jingling as the shop door swung open. However, the sweet sound died on his lips as he glanced upwards at the client, a man he had never seen before.

The man was broad shouldered and tall, adorning black jeans, a navy turtleneck, and shiny sunglasses. He had on some hybrid of a beret and a fedora on his head, and Jungkook wanted to reach out and grab it, and feel the dark material in his nimble fingers. He wondered what it felt like to hold such wealth in his palms.

Jungkook leaned his body to the right to see past the man and through the window, and confirmed that it was still raining. He looked back at the man and the sunglasses he wore in confusion.

It seemed as though Jungkook would have to speak first, since a few seconds had already passed since the man strided to the cashier and his lips showed no signs of movement.

"Hello," Jungkook smiled at the man. The boy thought he saw the man's eyebrows furrowing, and he gulped. He had just recently been hired there, and he desperately hoped the man didn't hate him already. Jungkook cleared his throat.

"Can I get you something? Are you interested in a specific type of flower, or maybe just looking around? We just recently-"

"Can I get something purple?" The man interrupted, and his voice took Jungkook aback. Deep but gravely, as if every word he spoke sent a knife to his stomach. Kind of scary, Jungkook thought to himself.

Nevertheless, Jungkook put a smile on his face, and then lessened it because there was no fond expression in return. He answered quickly:

"Of course. We have bellflowers over there-" He pointed to the bottom of the display case- "and some clematis right next to them, which look quite like our buttercups."

The man strode to the display case, and Jungkook stumbled to catch up to him from his place behind the register. Slowly, the man clasped a bud between his index and middle finger, examining it. Jungkook stood behind him, glancing quietly from the flower to the man. He thought of the tune he hummed earlier, but the name didn't come to mind.

The man looked up suddenly, stating loudly, "These ones are quite nice. And I like the buttercups as well, I might grab those next week."

Jungkook's lips upturned slowly, and he exhaled quietly. In a childlike giddiness, he grabbed the flowers, already assembled in a bouquet, and fast walked to the register.

Pulling out a photo book filled with different variations of the "To, From, Note:" design, Jungkook asked the man to choose one, secretly hoping he chose the one Jungkook thought prettiest. He didn't.

"This one looks alright," The man said lowly, and Jungkook followed his eyes to a design with red and pink script. "Not the best designs to choose from, but it will do just fine."

Jungkook gulped before looking up at the man. He flipped the book so it was facing himself, and pointed at the purple notecard decorated with lavenders.

"This one will match your flowers nicely, I think," he said quietly, and flipped the book to give the man a better look.

The tall man sighed and then stiffened his posture. "I suppose you're right. That one, then," he spoke, and Jungkook smiled widely.

"Great! Let me just-" he pulled out a copy of the card from the inventory and a black pen- "grab these... Who is it for?"

"Kim Taehyung. My boyfriend."

"Okay..." Jungkook wrote the name in fancy script, dotting the "i" with a little heart. He pulled his pen quickly across the paper, stretching the tip of the "y"across the underside of the name and looping it around the "Kim".

"And your name, sir?" Jungkook asked politely.

"Yoo Jinwoo," he spoke, huffing at the end in a tone mimicking annoyance. Jungkook noticed this and wrote the name down quicker, not wanting to waste time.

"Anything for the note, Mr. Yoo?" Jungkook asked, gripping the pen tightly.

Jinwoo froze in thought for a few seconds before letting out a light cough. "Well, I don't know. I've never been good with words," he said with a chuckle. A new thought struck him, and he shifted the weight of his body onto the opposite foot. "Can't you think of something? I mean, isn't that your job?"

Jungkook looked up at him nervously. "Well, usually we just receive the order and send it out. I don't think I am allowed to write a client note without consent," he said apologetically.

Jinwoo furrowed his brows and glared at Jungkook, who shrunk into himself in response. "Well, here, I just gave you my consent. Make it romantic, and sweet, please. It's a six month anniversary."

Jungkook frowned, but nodded. "Can I have something to go off of? What should I write?"

Jinwoo slid the notecard closer to himself, plucked the pen from Jungkook's hands, and wrote down his address in capitalized letters. He then slid a fifty dollar bill across the counter and centered the hat on his head.

"You'll think of something, I'm sure," the man whispered, and then turned around swiftly. He pushed open the glass door with one foot before sauntering away, footsteps echoing through Jungkook's ears long after the bell stopped jingling. Jungkook looked down at the bill, eyes big, before glancing up at the retreating figure.

"Have a nice day," Jungkook whispered softly, and then sighed, resting his cheek on the inside of his palm.


the "new story" jumped out 🗿🗿 we snapped with this bad first chapter

but really- thank you for reading, and tae will be introduced next chapter!! bye bye!

oh, and because i'm boujee and also lonely, i'm gonna ask you guys questions every chapter <3

q of the day:
when did you discover bts?

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