𝓉𝒽𝓇𝑒𝑒 🍀

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thank you for the love & comments!! i appreciate it so much my lil flower buds!


"Hey- did I tell you someone took a shit on my porch?"

Jungkook nearly spat out his food, cheeks reddening as a bit of lettuce fell from his fork to the shiny hardwood floor. "What?"

"I know, it's gross. But someone did," Jimin said lowly, looking off into the distance as if reminiscing on the disgusting memory. He blinked silently before looking back down at their shared salad.

"Jimin, please- you can't just say that and not follow up with something," Jungkook said, exasperated. He looked at his friend with big eyes, urging him to continue. Jimin shifted around in his seat and set the fork down.

"So, I was walking home like always. And it was like, bam. Shit. On my porch. So of course I screamed, and then I called for Mr. Yang," Jimin explained, making an elaborate pantomime of the events with his tiny fingers.

"Mr. Yang? Why?"

"Well, he has a dog," Jimin whispered, tilting his chin down to look up at Jungkook. "So he can like... pick it up. He knows what to do, you know."

Jungkook let out a light gasp. "Jimin, you can't.... just- who would even-" Jungkook closed his eyes, and then reopened them, filled with more determination. "Did he do it?"

"Oh, of course not," Jimin let out quickly. "He yelled at me for something- can't remember what- and then I tried to play it off and say that his dog did it, but I don't think he bought it. I mean, the size of that shit- it was monstrous."

"Wow. And you're sure it wasn't a dog?" Jungkook asked, disgusted but also strangely amazed by the whole account. 

"Yes! I mean... it's like this," Jimin began. "If you came to my house and shat on my porch, it would not be anywhere near the same size as the one I saw. I mean, who would do such a thing? At first I thought I was targeted specifically, but then-"

The strange conversation was interrupted not by the mere presence of the mint haired boy, but by Jungkook's bratty declaration to his co-worker: "Yoongi! Jimin took a shit on his own front porch!"

Jimin immediately gasped, slapping the younger with his palm, and then flinging his arm in the opposite direction to hit with the backside of his hand, and then going back again. "That is not true! It was someone else," Jimin insisted, feeling the tips of his ears redden.

"What?" Yoongi asked, tilting his head slightly to the left, and then fiddling with the bangs underneath his Mother Earth Florists visor before looking ahead. "Nevermind, I don't want to know."

"I really didn't- he was- Kook was just playing around," Jimin assured, fixing the creases in his sweater. Count on Jungkook to embarrass Jimin in front of his... whatever Yoongi was to him. "But if you want to hear what happened,
I can tell you, if you want. You know, later, or- or now-"

"Well, I'm on a shift now," Yoongi laughed, a little smile growing on his face before it wilted away, seeing Jimin's embarrassed expression. "But after, sure. You can tell me after."

"Okay! I'll just come back later. After dinner- or maybe just in a couple hours. Hey, Kook-" (Jimin seemed to forgive quite easily these days, and Jungkook usually insisted this was because Yoongi's smile held some kind of healing power over his friend)- "look! Hottie alert! Twelve o' clock. Or is that six o' clo- doesn't matter- right there!" Jimin pointed giddily, arm bobbing a little from his energy.

Jungkook looked up from their little farmer's market salad to see a boy around his age, dressed in a blue jean jacket, black skinny jeans, and a black mask. He had on a white tee shirt with some type of logo inscribed on the front, and completed the look with round, brown sunglasses that were sprawled over his blonde hair. Jungkook felt his heartbeat quicken, and if his emotions could be seen in the irises of his eyes, little glassy hearts would appear beneath the surface. He's pretty.

"How do you even know he's handsome?" Jungkook murmured quietly, but he knew that it wasn't hard to tell. Although the boy stood far away from the little flower shop, standing silently in the courtyard, his stance was one of grace and confidence. His features were blurred by the glass wall separating the two, but Jungkook thought he saw the boy smile when laying eyes upon the flower shop. Jungkook's mouth betrayed him as a smile took over his lips, stretching over his teeth.

Jimin got up suddenly, packing up the plastic container of remaining salad. He turned to Yoongi, wondering if he should offer some to the older, but thought better of it. We're not on a "want my leftovers?" basis yet.

"I have to go, Kooks," Jimin said softly, patting Jungkook's hair with his palm. "Lunch break is almost over, and Jin will have my head if I'm not back on time."

Jungkook nodded, hair bobbing up and down, before pouting in a childlike frustration. "Won't he let you stay a bit longer? I mean, he's at the shop now, isn't he? And he likes you, so maybe..."

Jimin shook his head. "I can't. He says the customers will be repelled if there is no one there to help them, or something. But what am I supposed to do if there are none to help?" Jimin chuckled quietly, but the expression quickly faded into a frown.

Jungkook flashed an apologetic look in his eyes, helping Jimin gather napkins from the countertop. "Hey, you guys aren't doing too bad. And we're no better anyway- Joon says business is bad for everyone these days," Jungkook comforted.

"Yeah, but Jin's already preparing for us to go under. People don't come to us to buy jewelry anymore, with all the fancy places down the road, and the space is old, but we don't have the money for renovations," Jimin said with a sigh.

Jungkook pat Jimin's stomach playfully, and Jimin quickly recovered from his sadness, smacking Jungkook's elbow.

"Don't worry about us. Hey, you know the guy we were talking about?" Jimin pointed again, and Jungkook followed his eyes to see the pretty boy with the jean jacket, standing in the same spot as before. "If he comes in here, you should ask him out. Y'seem kinda lonely these days."

Jungkook hit Jimin's leg, but didn't dismiss the idea. Shy little Jungkook didn't really have much to lose in terms of a dating life, and it was perhaps the love note he had written earlier that made him fall into such a sappy mood. "Maybe. But I doubt he'll come here."

"But if he does, you should ask. Go out for a coffee, maybe..." Jimin trailed off, now standing in the doorway. With one hand waving and the other holding a plastic bag filled with leftovers, Jimin pushed open the door with his back, raising his eyebrows suggestively at Jungkook. After walking outside, Jimin set the bag down and placed both hands by the sides of his eyes, pressing his face to the glass and mouthing variations of "Go get em tiger!" to his friend.

Jungkook stuck his tongue out at Jimin, watching the short boy walk away, but contemplated the idea. He had been quite down in the dumps, and there seemed to be no harm in trying. If the pretty stranger said no, Jungkook could simply crawl into a tiny ball, cry a little, and then bathe in the satisfaction of never having to see that person again.

Maybe I'll do it, Jungkook thought to himself, picking at his cuticles and glancing back up at the stranger through thick, fluttering eyelashes. But only if he comes in.


most uwu-worthy reader award goes to....

you! the reader!

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favorite song (s)?

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