𝓈𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃 🌼

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hello buttercups


Although it was only his first day, Jungkook could already tell that delivering sucked.

He honestly didn't know how Hoseok was able to stand it— the sheer amount of stupidity Jungkook had faced from customers in only one day was shocking.

Incident 1: Mr. I Did Not Order Flowers

"Hello Mr..." Jungkook paused to read the tag on the roses. "Lee! You have received a bouquet of flowers, courtesy of Mother Earth Florists-"

"I did not order flowers," the man interrupted, and Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed.

"Someone ordered them for you, sir. If-"

"I do not like flowers," the man interrupted again, staring daggers at Jungkook, who gulped nervously.

"I'm sorry sir, but someone ordered flowers for this residence. Your name is on the card as well. You may take a look."

Jungkook extended his arms out to the man, who squinted to peer at the loopy lettering of the note. He grunted, then looked back up at Jungkook.

"My name is on this," the man said, and Jungkook had to gather all of the power he had left in his tiny body to prevent an eye roll.


Suddenly, the man reached out and grabbed the roses from Jungkook's hands, nearly dragging the boy into the house from his strength. The door was then slammed right in Jungkook's face, and the boy simply stared at the chipped paint of the door in shock.

He took backwards steps away from the house, eyeing the windows for a possible axe murderer. Thankfully, none were found.

Incident 2: Mrs. Too Many Cats

There was not much else to say about this encounter. A woman approached the door, carrying one large tabby cat and giggling as another clamped its paws around her neck.

Jungkook also thought he saw an arm sticking out from beneath a pile of sleeping cats. He wanted to far get away from this residence.

Incident 3: I Don't Speak Spanish Please Don't Yell At Me

Again, fairly straightforward. A large woman appeared in the doorway of an apartment after Jungkook rang the doorbell perhaps one too many times.

The woman began yelling, and Jungkook simply gaped at her, in fear yet also in some sort of warped awe. Jungkook shrunk into himself, deciding it best to place the flowers on the doorstep and make a run for it. A sandal may or may not have been thrown at his head.

Thankfully, Jungkook was approaching his last house of the day- the Kim residence. Or Yoo residence, but Jungkook felt that "Kim" had a nicer ring to it.

After crawling up the agonizing steps of the front porch, Jungkook almost rang the doorbell, but for some reason opted for a knock instead. The door was opened almost immediately by a beautiful blonde boy, who was practically jumping up and down on the heels of his feet from excitement.

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