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jeon jeongguk is the prettiest baby boy you'll ever see


Taehyung left the flower shop with a warm feeling in his tummy, and a picture of a pretty, raven haired boy with baby pink lips and big, starry eyes etched into his mind.

Jinwoo was at work, as usual, so Taehyung decided to take the long way home, despite the cloudy skies and rain soaked clouds begging him to get home quickly. He needed time to think.

Thinking Jungkook was cute was not necessarily bad. Taehyung should have no reason to feel guilty for spending time with the younger that day, or making plans to do it again the day after. It wasn't cheating, it wasn't- it wasn't anything. Jungkook wasn't anything to Taehyung.

Taehyung frowned at his word choice. Jungkook isn't anything to me. Taehyung squeezed his eyes shut, trying to focus on the sound of leaves brushing against tree trunks and dogs barking for their evening meal. He didn't want Jungkook to be nothing, the boy deserved better than that.

Jungkook was funny, and easy to talk to. And completely nonjudgmental, which was an important quality to Taehyung- despite the fact that his present boyfriend lacked it. And the younger was as harmless as a bug, and also really, very, extremely pretty.

As Taehyung dragged his feet against the cracked cement of the sidewalk, treading the long distance from the flower shop to his home, he let himself ponder this thought. His blonde hair twirled, jumped, and then fell back to sleep atop his head as a gust of wind caused Taehyung to stumble. He pulled his coat closer to his body, shivered, and then thought about the idea that his brain had gathered: Jungkook was so, so pretty.

Jungkook's charm was not that of a model's. Of course he was as handsome as any other male on a magazine, but somehow, Taehyung found that pictures wouldn't do Jungkook justice.

The younger had soft, delicate features. A nose molded out of clay, sloped and smooth. Round, almond shaped eyes filled with shades of Godiva chocolate, and sprinkled with coconut, making them starry and bright. And then Jungkook had sharp features- his jawline, which was sculpted of marble, casting shadows on his neck. And his lips, which were not too big, not too small- like creating the little gifts took patience, to get them just right.

Jungkook was just right.

And it wasn't Taehyung's fault. He bet that every male, gay or straight, took a second glance at Jungkook when he walked past, just because of those little things about him, like the slope of his nose and the stars in his eyes- you just don't see them at first. Jungkook's face was an invitation to get to know him, to unearth the secrets of his beauty and his charm, because you just have to keep coming back to see that face one last time.

That's about where Taehyung left off when he approached the porch of his home, and soon after arriving upon his doorstep, the blonde noticed a car parked out front.

Jinwoo was home.

Two ideas came to mind when Taehyung noticed Jinwoo's car, because the man was supposed to be at work anyway. Taehyung worked too, but not like Jinwoo did- the latter's job was much more demanding.

The first idea was that Jinwoo's work allowed him to go home early, which was rare, but not impossible.

And the second idea, which caused Taehyung shame to admit that it came to him first, was that Jinwoo was cheating. In their house, on their shared bed. Right at that very minute.

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