𝑒𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓃 💫

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tee... hee... hee


"Mmm... you sleepy?" Taehyung mumbled groggily, lips warm by Jungkook's ear. Jungkook shivered, curling up on the bed.

"Yeah, sleepy," Jungkook replied softly, feeling Taehyung stretch his arm and wrap it around the younger, pulling him closer to Taehyung's chest. The sun was having a hard time waking up too, it seemed, because it snored lazily beneath a sheet of fluffy clouds, relying on robins and blackbirds to sing the earth out of sleep.

"You okay?" Taehyung whispered into Jungkook's ear, voice traveling through his skin like a ghost, looping around his veins and echoing in his head. Too quiet, too loud; every nab at his senses set a bomb off inside of him. Jungkook shuddered, and he suddenly didn't want Taehyung so close to him, because he wasn't Taehyung. He was Minjun.

He was broad shouldered, big headed Minjun, the Minjun who clomped around the house in expensive shoes and ordered people around and made Jungkook cry. It had been a while since Minjun had talked to Jungkook, but not long enough.

"I'm fine," Jungkook whispered back uneasily. "Say something," he blurted, shutting his eyes and squeezing to keep them closed, trying to remind himself (Taehyung is hugging you, Taehyung, Minjun is gone, not here, gone). "Say something, please."

Taehyung was silent for a few seconds. Jungkook wanted to cry.

"You look really beautiful right now," Taehyung murmured slowly, letting his deep, breathy morning voice hang in the air like little ornaments. Taehyung's voice, Taehyung's voice. Jungkook was able to breathe a little better hearing that voice.

"Thank you," Jungkook whispered back. He unhooked Taehyung's arms, which wrapped around his waist, and held them out. He pulled each a little tighter before placing them right back on his waist, just holding on a little harder than before. Jungkook wasn't blushing, he just wanted, wanted to feel pretty and warm and cherished. Taehyung pulled Jungkook closer on the bed, each pretending it was smaller than it was.

"Want some fruit?" Taehyung asked sweetly. Jungkook smiled, although Taehyung couldn't see it from his position. Someday Jungkook would be the big spoon, he decided. It just felt so good to be hugged.

"I'll make you fruit," Jungkook suggested instead. The mood was a little lighter now, the pain had subsided, and then came the urge to make up for it (smile more, laugh, cover up, fake it). Jungkook pulled himself up from the bed, smiling softly as he felt Taehyung drag his fingers down his hips, not wanting to let go of the younger's waist.

"I don't wanna get up," Taehyung mumbled groggily. Jungkook flicked his ear.

"Too bad, you big baby," Jungkook teased, poking Taehyung's stomach. He received a light slap on the neck for this, but he poked at the skin again anyway, earning another slap.

And that was it. Jungkook got up, made some fruit for Taehyung, and they sat on the couch, flicking through the TV channels. Jungkook's journal laid carelessly on his nightstand, teetering on the edge. One little nudge and it would fall.


"Why do you think people hurt?" Jungkook asked, laying sideways on the couch. His head balanced uneasily on Taehyung's lap, but they made it work, and it was comfortable. Taehyung raked his hands through Jungkook's coal black hair, massaging his scalp.

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