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"Time to wake up" Kiba yawned he then brushed a few strands of hair away from your face, you felt his lips against your cheek.
"Morning" you blush pulling him closer to you.
You both laid there in each other's arms for a while.
"We better get ready or we'll be late" he kisses you before getting out of the bed.

It's been 2 days since Sasuke and Neji fought and it was time you went back to work. Kiba has been staying at yours for the 2 days. You've definitely gotten closer to him.

"I think you should go and see Neji so he can update you on what's been happening" Kiba smiles and takes your jacket and bag. He hangs the jacket up and puts your bag at your desk "before you go" he moves closer to you then lifts your chin up with his fingers and plants a kiss on your lips.

Everyone had their eyes on both of you. "Kiba!" you whispered in shock, your face red. "Sorry couldn't help it" he blushes too.
'He so cute when he blushes' you smile at the thought.

You made your way to Neji's office you turn the knob reviling Neji and Yumi.
Neji stood at his desk holding Yumi close to him. He was whispering something in her ear that made her face turn crimson. You couldn't help but feel jealous, he used to hold you like that and now he's with her.
Even though you didn't take him back a part of you wished that he had gotten the divorce and ran back to you....

"Ohh Neji (YN) here" Neji let go of Yumi and she picked up her handbag. She walked towards you, her eyes looked you up and down and then she smirked walking straight past you. 'Why is she giving me that look?' You stood opposite Neji

"What is it (YN)" he voice was cold he didn't even look at you. 'Why is he acting like this?' You were getting irritated.
"Does Yumi know about what happened between us?" You ask him, Neji just shrugs his shoulders.
"Okay? Well can you please update on what's happening do I -"
"Look (YN) I'm busy right now go ask Sasuke to help you" he opens the door waiting for you to leave.
You look at him and frown "are you being serious right now Neji!"
"Are you done?" He says

There were so many things you wanted to say but decided against it.
You walked out and went looking for Sasuke you spotted his raven colored hair at one of the desks"Sasuke" you poke him, he looked like he was sleeping. "Everything okay?" You placed a hand on his shoulder. "Yeah just have a headache I saw you earlier with Kiba... you and Kiba made it official"
"Yeah I guess...kinda feels weird" "weird? At least he's better than Neji" you both looked over at Kiba "true" as you said that Kiba looked over at you two and smiled.

"Did you need anything (YN)?" Sasuke asks
"Yeah, Neji was being a jerk and wouldn't fill me in on what's been going on so I came to you" you sighed
"Want me to talk to him?"
"Nah, that would just make things worse and plus it seems he's back with Yumi so-"
"He's back with her?"
"Y-Yeah I guess she forgave him" your eyes saddened "you have Kiba now...forget about that bastard"

Sasuke showed you the work that needed to be done on the new collection.
After work, you stood by Kiba's car waiting for him
Since he was going to drop you home "hope I didn't keep you waiting" he rushes over to you "not at all" you smile.
"I've been thinking about you all day" he kisses your neck making you giggle he's lips soon travel to yours, you wrap your hands around his neck pulling him in closer as his tongue explores yours.
Kiba let's go for air "(YN)-" Kiba is cut off by the sound of another car.

You both look over and see Neji standing by his car door looking towards you.
He frowned as he glanced over at Kiba, to make Neji more jealous you grabbed Kiba shirt, pulling him towards you and crashing your lips against his.

As you kissed Kiba you opened your eyes to see Neji's reaction. Neji was furious he swung the car door open and slammed it shut. 'That's what he gets for being an ass this morning'


Back at your house, you were laying down on your bed scrolling through your phone you notice that you have an unread text.

Unknown: leave my man alone

You: who is this?

You had an idea that it could be Yumi from the way she was acting this morning.

Unknown: don't play dumb it's Neji's WIFE, stop trying to seduce my husband.

You: first of all Go and check your husband because he's the one that didn't mention he had a wife.

Yumi: if you kept your legs closed none of this would be happening.
'Kept my legs closed!? Who's does she think she's talking to!'

You: if Neji was faithful none of this would be happening, don't blame me on why your husband was cheating on you

Yumi: it's always bitches like you that are always trying ruin relationships. Neji's back at home with me leave him alone, don't talk to him unless it's about work do you understand

You: Listen, you silver-haired dumb bitch! I didn't ruin your relationship Neji did.
And if your back together why was Neji at my house 2 days ago? begging me to get back with him. If I didn't turn him down your ass would've been divorced right now.

Yumi: watch your back bitch
You: You know where I work pull the fuck up! If you want to get your ass beat...

A\N: Next chapter will be much better than this one 😭😭

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