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You slid the designs you just drew into a folder.
You sighed knowing you had to go into Neji's office.
'If only Hinata was here' you thought.
Walking over to Neji's office you stopped by Sasuke's desk it was empty 'weird for him not to be in'
You continued walking until you reached the office.
You knocked but there was no answer, you opened the door anyway and closed it behind you. Walking over to his desk you hear the door click, the door opens your blood boiled at the sight before you.

Yumi stood at the door looking at you, you dropped the folder on Neji's desk "come to open your legs to him again" she scoffed
"Still talking shit" you spoke walking over to her 


Your hand connected to her face with a deadly slap.
Yumi held the side of her face in shock the red imprint of your hand visible.
She looked at you with venom in her eyes
"Watch your mouth bitch" you smirked 

You turn away and reached for the door handle when you felt her grab a handful of your hair.  She pulled you back making you lose balance and your back hit the floor, she straddles you with her hands around your neck "you think I'll let you go after you slapped me,  you stupid whore! I can't believe Neji cheated on me with someone as filthy as you! Hate can't describe what I feel towards you" she squeezed harder making it difficult for you to breathe.
"You took him away from ME!" 

You struggled against her grip but managed to push her off you.  You straddled her now.

"Shut the fuck up! for the last time I didn't take him from you, he came to me -" you were cut off by her spit landing on your face " T-that's W-what you d-deserve" Yumi coughed
You blinked twice 'this bitch really spat on me'
You snapped and raised your fist, anger took over you, you could care less about the consequences 

Before you could strike her with your fist an arm held you back

"What the fuck are you doing (YN)!" He pulled you off her and held you down. "Let me go Neji, she fucking spat at me she going to regret ever doing that!" 

"Omg Neji!! she attacked me!" Yumi began crying uncontrollably "I just w-walked in h-here and she attacked me"
"She's a lying bitch!" Neji let go of you. You stood there looking at him waiting for him to say something.  Yumi ran over hugging him "I'm scared Neji...I can't believe you hired someone like her" Neji held her tight.

"Neji listen she's-"
"Don't say another word (YN)" Neji's voice was cold
"Leave RIGHT NOW!" You stood there in disbelief if your heart could be any more broken it was now...

They both watched you as you walked past them to the door.
You couldn't even speak you were furious, you slammed the door behind you and went over to your desk to get your things.

"(YN)! What happened to you" Kiba held your hand
"Kiba..I..I just want to be alone right now" you walked away but he held onto to you, pulling  you back to him so he could kiss you "when your ready to talk I'll be there" he smiled

You shut the front door behind you and dropped to the floor 'how did I even get to this point?' You held your knees to your chest remembering Neji's face 'the love between us has really disappeared...'
'He didn't even care if I was hurt' you shut your eyes fighting back tears...

Later that night you heard a knock at your door.
You opened the door expecting to see Kiba but instead, it was Neji. You looked up at him and he looks down at you. 

You let him in 'why I'm I doing this?' He walked in and followed you into the kitchen still no words were exchanged.

His eyes examined your neck and he frowned, you turned away "(YN)" his deep voice was soothing, he was closer now "look at me" he whispered. Hesitantly you looked towards him, his hand found it's way to your cheek.  

He slowly caresses it "Neji-" he kisses your neck making you lose track, you melt into the warmth of his kisses.

You wanted to shout and yell at him for what he put you through, but why won't the words come out? You should be angry yet you want him to stay and hold you, kiss you...
"I had to check on you, Yumi told me what really happened and I saw the messages. Lately, I've been a total jerk towards you and you don't deserve it.... I didn't even ask if you were hurt this morning...sorry (YN)"

His lips hovered over yours, you ran your fingers through his hair "I'm still pissed at you but..." you closed the gap between the both of you.
You kissed slowly enjoying every moment "(YN) you have Kiba now and I'm with Yumi so-"
"One last time" you cut him off crashing your lips against his.

He picked you up and went to your bedroom.
Clothes were removed.
Hickeys marked your skin and scratches on his back.
Neji was rougher than before and you enjoyed every minute of it. 


You watched him put his clothes back on.
"Neji don't forget to tell your wife to leave me the fuck alone"
He kisses your forehead "don't worry she won't be any trouble for you"
Before he walked out the door he stopped "(YN) I still love you that will never change" he smiled and walked out.
You hugged your pillow and smiled sadly.

A/N: seems like you still have a soft spot for Neji😌 What's up with Sasuke??? Is this the last of Yumi? Some secrets reviled next chap! thanks for reading 😊

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