The End

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"I can't say at the moment....but I will notify you when his surgery is finished" he walked out the door
"He will be fine (YN)...sit" Sasuke guided you over to one of the chairs in the room. You sat and watched as he picked up Yuki and brought him over to you. You held him close "thank you" you half smiled at Sasuke, his arms wrapped around Yumi's waist.
The image of Neji in surgery was all that popped up in your mind. What were you going to do if he didn't survive? Yuki will grow up without a father...that pained you the most.

He has to live

After a couple of painful hours the doors open and the doctor walks in "miss (YN)" he removed his glasses and took a deep breath but you held up your hand to stop him from taking. You stood up with Yuki in hand and walked over to him "what floor"
"What floor!" You demanded
"5th-floor room 13" he sighed
You walked out while Sasuke and Yumi followed.
Sasuke pressed the elevator button there was complete silence.
The elevator doors opened and you all stepped inside Yukio's giggles filled the space, the sound of the elevator reaching the 5th floor made your heart race faster.
'10,11,12' You counted mentally. Outside room 13 you began shaking dreading that your fear would be true once the door opened.
You pushed the door nob seeing a clean white room and Neji laid out on the bed near the window.

"Neji" a faint whisper left your lips as you approached him.
Your eyes widened once you saw the bandaging around his torso, his eyes were closed...he looked peaceful.
You placed your hand on his wasn't cold you moved your hand down to his cheek caressing it. His eyes shifted and opened slowly, your heart fluttered seeing those eyes again.

His lips parted but no words came out, he sees your worried expression and gives a smile indicating that he's okay.
his eyes dart down and you feel his hand tugging against your leg. You gave him a confused look and followed his eyes he was trying to reach for your arm but he couldn't move too much.
"R-ring" a muffled voice left his lips
You placed your hand in his, you were wearing the ring he left you. The diamond sparkled and his smile got even bigger. You kissed him lightly " I love you" you spoke against his lips.
"L-ove y-you" he replied

"Please, could you step back from Mr. Hyūga, he needs to rest so that he can recover" the same doctor walked in.

He fixed his glasses and checked the clipboard he had in his hand.
"Mr. Hyūga is going to have to stay in the hospital for a few weeks so we can monitor him, luckily the bullet didn't hit any are allowed to stay Miss (YN) but I have to ask for nonfamily members to leave" he looked over at Sasuke.

Sasuke walked over and bent down to Neji's ear and whispered something before saying his goodbyes.
"(YN) we will come and visit tomorrow...both of you need to get some rest" Yumi told you and walked out with Sasuke. Not too long after the doctor left and got one of the nurses to bring an extra bed for you and Yukio.

After a couple of weeks Neji had recovered and was able to go back home. You felt it was the right time to ask what happened. So that night as you lay in Neji's arms you traced his stomach with your finger "what happened with Kiba did you..." You looked up at him.
"He's alive" he ran his fingers through your hair.
"Where is he? I don't want him anywhere near us!" You sat up and looked out the window near the bed. Neji held you close to him. "What did Sasuke tell you that day in the hospital?" You ask remembering Sasuke whispers something to Neji
"He's tracking down Kiba"
"Has he found him yet?"
"No...when he does he'll have his clan watch him and we'll be safe (YN) so please don't worry" he kisses your neck.

2 years later
"Babe you should go and sit on the bench I'll stay and watch Yukio" you take Neji's hand and he helps you up. You were playing with Yukio in the sandpit at the park, everything was fine until your feet began aching, you were 8 months pregnant with your baby girl.
Neji leads you over to the bench and plants a sweet kiss on your lips before heading back to Yukio.
Yukio had grown so much he looked such much like Neji. You smiled watching them play together after everything that happened you were finally happy and had no worries since Sasuke found Kiba and there were no signs that Kiba would be coming back.

You closed your eyes feeling the warm summer suddenly felt something hovering over you.

Neji PoV
"Yukio get as much sand as you can and fill the bucket" I helped Yuki put as much sand in the bucket as possible but the vibration of my phone going off distracted me. I looked at the messages
Sasuke: Neji just got word from Itachi Kiba is back! Get (YN) and Yukio to my place now!
I slid my phone in my pocket and grabbed Yukio.

Back to you
You started at him and a mixture of anger and sorrow washed over you, his hair was shorter, his beard was gown out "Kiba" you wanted to run away but you couldn't exactly move very fast.

"Hello (YN)" he smiled

"Get away from my wife!" Neji grabbed Kiba
"I didn't come here to harm anyone... I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what I did-"
"What you did?! You stole my baby! And put a bullet in my husband!" You shouted
And Neji stood between you and Kiba with Yukio behind him.
"Get back" Neji demanded
"I know what I did was wrong and saying sorry won't make up for it but I couldn't carry on with my life and not at least apologise...I wake up thinking that we could have been a family if I didn't-"

"If that's all you have to say then leave" Neji cut him off
"I-I'm sorry I truly am" Kiba looked between you and Neji and then walked away.

"Did he hurt you (YN)?"
"No I'm okay" you stood up
"Let go home" Neji picked up Yukio and held your hand as you walked to the car.

In your mind you couldn't help but feel like Kiba changed... maybe his was sorry but could you forgive him?

A/N: Thank you guys sooooo much for reading and leaving comments. It was fun writing this I didn't actually plan for Kiba to end up this way, I actually planned for Sakura to hire a hit-man to crash his car into yours and then it would be a mystery on who was trying to kill you😂 but things changed.
I hope you guys enjoyed the story 😌
Maybe Sasuke x Hinata story next....

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