True colours

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"Neji don't leave" you told him
He walked over to the sink that was in the hospital room and washed the blood off his knuckles.
The only sound that could be heard was the running water, everyone watched him.  He walked over calmly towards you not making eye contact and sat in the chair next to the bed.

Kiba's eyes shifted between Neji and you  "everyone could you...come back tomorrow" Kiba spoke everyone slowly walked out the door after saying their goodbyes. "Except you Neji"

Neji looked over at Kiba a bit shocked but Kiba's face showed no hint of emotion.
*cough cough* "Kiba could you get me some water please" You smiled at him, he nodded and immediately got up and left.

"Neji why did you hurt that man?"
Neji leaned forward resting his head on the bed looking up at you "he hurt you...I couldn't just let him get away with that"
"Neji" I placed a hand on his cheek, he closed his eyes while rubbing the back of my hand. 
"That man could press charges against you Neji...please don't do anything so reckless again"

"I won't, don't worry (YN)....I miss your touch"
His eyes still closed with a small smile on his lips.

"I-I" you were distracted from Neji planting a kiss on your hand. But you didn't protest when he carried those up your arm.
"(YN)" his voice muffled as he kissed your neck
Every kiss lit up your whole body, "Neji Kiba will be back soo-" his soft lips brushed against yours his tongue taking advantage of your open mouth.

"Mmm" you moaned into the kiss as you explored his mouth. You didn't want him to let go but you knew better.
You pushed him back softly you both panted with flushed cheeks.
"(YN) I got the wat-" Kiba opened the door he frowned for a second.
"Neji you can leave now I'll talk to you another time" he placed the water bottle on the table and waited for Neji to leave.

"See you tomorrow (YN)" he smiled you smiled back
"Kiba" he nodded towards him but Kiba didn't reply
  'Did he see us kiss?' You thought

"(YN) the Doctor told us your pregnant" he reached out and placed his hand over my stomach
"But we can discuss the baby once your back home" he plants a kiss on my forehead.
2 weeks later - your house
You had received so much baby gifts especially from Hinata who was overjoyed with your pregnancy, yet you weren't.

You stored the baby gifts in your guest room which you were planning on turning Into a nursery.
You wanted to talk about the pregnancy with Kiba but you were scared. You also felt that whenever the topic of babies, in general, was brought up Kiba acted weird making it more difficult.

You closed the door of the nursery to find Kiba standing behind you.
He looked nervous "Kiba?"
He fiddled with something in his pocket which made you raise an eyebrow. 

"It's about the baby since we're going to be a family I think we should ge-"
"Wait  Kiba, there's something I need to tell you" you looked away from him
"What is it I'm sure it can wait-" 

"No it can't! Please listen" you held his hands in your own taking a deep breath.
"Kiba...the baby, the baby I don't think is-"
"What are you trying to say?!" There was a tone in his voice that you never heard before and it made you jump.

"I don't think the baby is yours" you said in a shaky
"what the fuck?" He breathed out he stood there watching you.
"What the FUCK" he repeated, you flinched at his words
" cheated on me.." he eyes saddened for a split moment
"It's with Neji isn't it" his face turned to stone
"Yes" you nodded
"What! I can't hear you" he moved closer and you backed up until you back hit the door.
"Yes" you spoke louder
"I figured when the doctor asked who the father was, I knew he said something but I still had hope that maybe I was the father because I loved you" he traced your jaw with his finger.
"I had sex with Neji unprotected and you and I use protection" your voice went back to a whisper

"Unprotected? You just didn't give a fuck" he held your face towards him so you couldn't look away, his breath tickled your skin.
"I can't believe I fell in love with a slut like you"
He hands traveled up your shirt "you let him do this to you? The same way my hands explore your body" he whispered in your ear
"Kiba stop" you pleaded 

"Be quiet" he slammed you into the door
The hand holding your face was now on your neck, he watched you squirm in his grasp as he tightened his hand.
His other hand returned from under your shirt and pulled out a little black box from his pocket
He flicked  it open revealing the ring inside " I was going to ask you to fucking marry me!" Tears rolled down his eyes.

"Gl-ad y-you should me your true colours yo-u fu-cking Dick" you spat at him, he threw you down onto the floor
"Hahaha... if I can't have you then neither can he" he laughed to himself, his eyes completely blank.
"What are you saying? Get out of my house!"
"Just wait here I'll be back " he gave a devilish smile.
He went down the stairs, you need to call for help you room was right next to the nursery.  You had enough time to get your phone before he came back up the stairs.

You ran Into your room shutting it behind you "where the phone?" Your eyes searched frantically around the room and then spotted it on the desk near the window, you grabbed it and almost froze from hearing his steps on the stairs.

You were about the call the police when I call came through on your phone "Neji" you answered it
"Neji! me Kiba's gone crazy"
"(YN) I'll be right there don't hang up "
Kiba kicked the door open "you bitch!"
You dropped to the floor, this was not the same Kiba you knew...
"Stay the fuck away from me Kiba I'm warning you"
"Haha what are you going to do?" he pulled the knife out of his back pocket.

A/N: 👀👀 Kiba....

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