New Year's Eve

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You wish you never said anything out loud to your roommates.

And that is because in the blink of an eye, you're sitting in your classroom on New Year's Eve, one day before you'll be inevitably matched up with some random boy you probably have never met.

And the last bell of the day had just rung.

Whoever gets paired up with you probably won't be happy, either. As the Matching Ceremony gets closer, you had begun to hear your name more frequently among the boys in your year. And not in a good way.

"Y/N, are you okay?" A familiar low voice fills your eyes and brings you back into reality. You sit up quickly and fix your now straggled hair. You take a breath before turning your head to your classmate, who happens to also be the only guy that would ever consider you more than a witch.

"I'm doing alright, Namjoon. Why do you ask?"

The tall boy lets out a silent laugh, his caramel skin dimpling at his cheeks. "You sounded like you were literally dying as soon as your head hit your desk."

You scoff as his remark and turn to face forward, resting your head on your hand. "Why would you be concerned about me, anyway? Every girl drools over you and every guy prays every night that he won't have to get with me. We couldn't be anymore different than we already are. How has my reputation not ruin yours at all after all these years, anyway?" You feel yourself begin to ramble, and thankfully your words are interrupted by your peer's rich laugh.

"Don't put yourself down so much. You're an incredibly smart girl, and whoever is paired with you should feel extremely lucky to be given the opportunity to produce a genius child."

You choke as soon as Namjoon finishes his mini inspirational speech. "Don't even start with that BS, Kim Namjoon. I appreciate the false encouragement, but you know how all the guys view me. I think you all would rather be held back a year and suffer another year of university than spend your life with me."

This time, Namjoon doesn't laugh. He simply lets out a sigh and turns to face you. You turn to face him in return, not wanting to seem rude to the one guy that considers you a human being.

"You know, Y/N, if you're dreading the whole matching thing, you could always just move out of this district. Our neighboring districts let their citizens marry freely, you do know that, right?" His dark, perfectly upkept eyebrows furrow slightly, his arm propped up on his desk to support his now tilted head.

You sigh in response to his sigh. "I've tried that already. My parents want me to stay in our district because they don't want to risk anything when it comes to the offspring. And I never disobey my parents. They mean too much to me." You're surprised at how close you and Namjoon have become in the few short minutes after the last bell of the day has rung. Normally, he'd be out of the building with his six compadres within the same minute as the bell.

It's clear Namjoon had realized this as well when he stands from his desk and slings his bag over his shoulder. "I'm sure whatever happens, it'll work out." He pats your shoulder reassuringly before heading towards the door.

You stand from your desk shortly after and pick up your bag when Namjoon stops for a moment to turn towards you again.

"Oh, and Y/N?"


"Trust me when I say that not every guy in our year sees you like you think we do." He gives you a wink before heading out of the building, leaving you starstruck.

Your knees still feel weak as you explain your little interaction with Namjoon to your roommates, who are now swooning at the sound of every syllable coming out of your mouth.

"He really is dreamy, isn't he, Hyoyeon?!" Hana squeals, tackling the third Musketeer into a hug.

Hyoyeon laughs casually in an attempt to hide her flustered expression. "He really is, Hana. Whoever gets paired with him will truly be the luckiest girl in the world. Honestly, the girls who get paired with any of those seven boys will have won the lottery. A hot husband and the opportunity to make the most attractive superbabies this world has ever seen. Even Min Yoongi, Y/N."

Your friend's entire statement makes you want to barf. "I think I just lost brain cells listening to your ridiculous claims, Hyoyeon."

She rolls her eyes in return. "Oh come on. You're telling me that if you were paired with any of those boys that you wouldn't be excited to get into their pan"

"That's qUITE ENOUGH, HYOYEON. I get your point, okay? I just don't see the appeal." You raise your voice slightly, suddenly becoming extremely agitated by your best friend.

"I'm kidding, Y/N." You hear a soft "mostly" under her breath before she continues her statement. "I'm just trying to lighten the mood because you've been so stressed about this. I'm sure whoever gets paired with you will open their dumbass eyes and realize how lucky they are to be your husband, okay? I promise you." Your friend gives you a warm smile that makes your anger melt away.

"Well, if two people have told me this in one day, I promise I'll have a little hope left for tomorrow." You look over at the alarm clock on your nightstand. 01:37. "And speaking of tomorrow, we should probably go to sleep if we don't want to look like monsters during the ceremony tomorrow." You turn off the lamp that has been keeping the dorm dimly lit and snuggle into your semi-plush bed.

"Tomorrow, our lives are going to change forever, huh?" You hear Hana's high-pitched voice whisper in the dark. "Whatever happens, can we all promise to have each other's backs no matter the circumstances?"

"We promise, Hana." And with your and Hyoyeon's synchronized response, the three of you quickly let slumber take over your bodies, the anxiety of tomorrow's events fading away.


chapter two published today yayayy

i decided to publish one chapter every Monday so hopefully I'll be able to continually be active and live up to my own expectations lol

i'm so sorry this story is so boring thus far;; i promise it gets more exciting later on hhhh


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