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 You sit across from a half-asleep Min Yoongi, who refuses you even spare you a glance as he sips on his black coffee silently. His irises replicate the color of his steaming beverage, and his normally messily styled hair is disheveled due to his (obnoxiously) long slumber. You turn away after realizing you might have been staring for too long, and you walk to the sink to wash the bowl of plain, bland cereal you had just finished.

It's the first morning you've spent together as a couple, and everything has already begun to fall apart (not that you'd care, of course). There was nothing wrong with you—in fact, you had woken up to the first ring of your alarm. Yoongi on the other hand, was a pain in the ass.

You'll admit, he wasn't a complete asshole—when you say that you really just mean he let you claim the bed and he slept on the couch sitting in your cold, bare living room. However, you were quickly reminded of your childhood sleepovers when he refused to wake up no matter what you did. When he finally stirred awake, a beast was unleashed.

You two had already had your first argument. Your throat burned afterwards, the two of you having gradually raised your voices until it felt like the walls were shaking. And it was such a petty argument, too—only after the argument happened did it occur to you that a normal couple probably wouldn't have screamed at each other over the way they slept.

You're brutally brought back to present time with the sound of your fiance's husky, and utterly irritating, voice.

"Why does it take you so long to wash one damn bowl? Do you know how much water you're wasting?? We haven't finished school yet and you're already living as if we have stable jobs," he scolds, his voice sharp even during his state of mid-slumber.

It takes all of your willpower not to chuck the bowl at his face. Your scrubbing now becomes more aggressive, your knuckles white from grasping the bowl and sponge in your hands. As much as you hate that rat, you don't have the energy to start another fight, especially at 8:30 in the morning.

"Sorry," you mutter back, quickly rinsing and drying the bowl. "I just spaced out for a seco—"

"Excuses are only used by the weak and inferior. If you're going to be my..." he hesitates. "...wife, I can't be affiliated with someone who uses excuses to avoid and sidestep their flaws." And with that, he abruptly drops his coffee stained mug into the sink and walks away.

And that was the last straw.

You slam down the soapy sponge, not bothered by your sudsy, damp hand as you snap your head around to Yoongi. "Do you always have to be so goddamn rude to people?! I messed up one time and you have the audacity to call me weak and inferior?!" You stomp over to the man as bitter as his coffee and grab the front of his loose, slightly tattered shirt, pulling his face centimeters away from yours. "Listen to me carefully, Min Yoongi. I will not stand your rude as shit comments any longer. If you so happen to even scoff at me, I will be forced to take very. Drastic. Measures." Your words leave your mouth through gritted teeth, and you feel your face getting hotter and hotter due to the frustration.

It's only a matter of seconds until the roles reverse, and you're suddenly backed up against the blank, white wall you stopped him beside. His arms trap you in with no means of escape, and you feel yourself become entranced into his deep, intense set of eyes.

"My rude as shit comments?? I'm not the one who screamed her ass off at eight in the fucking morning. I'm not the one who whines about every single fucking syllable that comes out of 'Min Yoongi's' mouth. So you listen to me carefully, Yang Y/N." As if it were possible, the distance between your faces lessens, and his voice lowers to a deep, irritatingly sultry mutter. "I didn't choose to be paired up with you. We don't have to be together." You can smell the coffee from his breath as if he had just brewed a new cup. "We can go to the officials right now and request a Split Off. I couldn't give two shits. If you're really that incapable of being with someone so 'rude' like me, then no one's stopping us from ending this. Right. Now."

You can no longer tell if your heart is beating, and your knees suddenly feel flimsy and useless. But you quickly snap out of the sudden trance he put you in, and you say the first thing that either of you have ever agreed on.

"Fine then. Let's go."

"You two are sure you want to request a Split Off?" the middle-aged lady says as she lowers her glasses to stare the two of you down. "Need I remind you that you two have quite possibly as near to perfect of a combination of immune systems we have found in the past century."

You admit, the first time she had informed you two, you nearly had paused to reconsider the decision you had made back at the house. But you quickly shake it off as you lean forward in the stiff chairs the lady's office supplies.

No words pass between the three of you. Only two simple nods from you and your soon-to-be-ex-fiance.

The lady sighs and places a standard-yellow file folder on the desk that sits between the two of you and her. She opens it and places one single sheet of paper on top, the white sheet filled with tiny-inked words all over it.

"I would tell you to read the fine print, but I think we all know that no one bothers to do that besides me, because that is my job. To summarize, this essentially states that once you sign the paper, your relationship is now completely in the hands of us officials. Is that understood?"

Again, no words. Only the sound of pens dancing across paper.

The obviously tired official takes the paper, puts it back in the file, and moves it aside in order to fold her hands on top of the desk. Her gray, stormy eyes seem to stare deep into your soul, as well as Yoongi's.

"You have just agreed to hand the fate of your future into the hands of this office. I cannot tell you how long this process will take, but what I can tell you is that it will take quite longer than you're expecting. You will have the next thirty days to reconsider the decision you have just made, but after that, you can no longer change the agreement you have made. If you so even try to bend or break the rules that you have just been informed about, trust me when I say you'll regret it." And with that almost inappropriately menacing warning, she waves you two off with her hand.

As you leave with clammy hands, only three words can be heard in your head, and they may haunt you for the rest of your life.

You'll regret it.  


sorry this was quite a lengthy chapter lol also very sorry this chapter is being published so late!

also if you got a notification that I republished previous chapters, it's just because I fixed the chapter titles to all be the same lol

anywho I hope you're enjoying the story so far! I'm actually really excited to continue this story uwu



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2018 ⏰

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