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I rewrote this chapter to add a new game!

Chapter 4: Teamwork


"We have to partner up with somebody we don't know?" Wendy asked herself. "Talk about a way to clear up shyness. Romeo-kun, who were you thinking of-"

"Sure, Romey, I'd be happy to team up with you!" Karin Kurosaki said to Romeo, Wendy turning to see them.

"AWESOME!" Romeo shook Karin's hand. "You're one of the toughest operatives I've read about!"

"Eh, I'm not that great."

"Uh..." Wendy was somewhat speechless.

"Hey, Blue Girl!" Wendy gasped when Jinta Hanakari marched up and dwarfed her. "Since Karin's pairing with YOUR teammate, whaddya say WE team up and try to take them down?"

"Uh... O-Okay!"

Haylee watched as her brothers split up to find partners. "Greetings, Ms. Gilligan." She gasped and turned to Prince Raleigh, who had a hand extended. "Would you be interested in becoming my partner?"

Haylee's face reddened. "Y-Your... partner?!"

"For the games, of course."

"Ah, right!" Haylee shook out of it. "Well, I'd love to!" She took his hand. "After all, you can't just turn a prince down."

"Sigh, just when I was hoping to pair with Aeincha or something." Goombella sighed. "Who's gonna want an armless girl for a partner?"

"I'll be your partner!" a boy said.

Goombella turned, finding a Goomba with a blue cap. "Oh, I think I've seen you before."

"Yeah, I'm Goombario. I was there when you visited the Mushroom KND. You know, when they... tried to trap your leader?"

"Oh, right. Well, okay. Let's team up!"


"Do you wanna be partners, Akko?" Lee Andrew asked the red-eyes witch.

"Sure, I'd love to!" Akko shook his hand.

"Hmmm..." Cheren scratched his chin, looking around. His eyes fell upon the Hat Kid. He approached her and asked, "Hey, Hat Kid. Do you wanna be partners?"

"Sure, Cheren!" She shook his hand.

Miyuki Crystal paired with Zach Murphy, Maddy paired with Nagisa, Anthony paired with Morgiana, Terezi paired with Tronta, Chris Uno paired with Weiss Schnee, Sunni paired with Sind Diego, and everyone else found their potential new friend. "Has everyone found their special match?" Mako asked. "Good! Then we're gonna begin the team games with the Trust Walk! Please, step into the portal." Nebula used her bending to open a portal. Everyone took turns walking in.

They were taken to a long, posh hallway with star designs on the walls and floor. Well, they couldn't tell if they were designs or actual stars beyond windows, or if they were optical illusions. "In this game, one of your partners will climb that ladder to the upper path. That partner will be required to walk that path."

"But we don't see a path up there!" Anthony shouted.

"I know!" Mako winked. "That's because the path is invisible! You see, the OTHER partner will remain on the ground and look through a Lens of Truth to see the hidden path, and instruct their partner on where to step or turn or jump. The bridge partner will have to keep their head up during the walk and look at the ceiling mirror. As they do so, they must instruct their ground-level partner where to step as well."

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