Sector MG, Part 5: Rataphilly

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So, this chapter was kinda foreshadowed a lot.

Chapter 5: Rataphilly

Motorville; five years ago

A stormy night plagues the sky of Motorville. Rain furiously flooded the streets as a simple mouse scampered to escape the storm, finding its way into a hole in the side of a house.

Young Oliver was tucked into his bed, provided a nightlight to keep calm during the storm. The boy heard a bump and gasped with a start. He looked to the dresser on his left, and the dark area underneath it. Feeling something was there, Oliver climbed out of bed and crawled to it. ...A mouse peeped around one of the legs. "Ah!" Oliver backed up in shock. The mouse seemed startled, too.

Oliver carefully crawled forward again. The mouse cautiously peeped out at the human child's face. "...Are you hiding from the storm?" Oliver asked. The mouse nodded. "It's okay. I'm scared of storms, too. I'll let you stay. ...You don't have rabies, do you?" The mouse shook. "Good. Would you like something to sleep on?" It nodded. "Okay. I'll let you have some of my socks." Oliver opened his dresser and pulled out two white socks, laying them down under his nightstand. The mouse crawled out and settled onto the socks. "Ha ha ha! You know how to make yourself comfy! ...Well, good night. But please don't chew my socks, okay?" The mouse nodded. With that, Oliver returned to his bed, and the little mouse fell into slumber.

The next morning, Oliver awoke to a beautiful sky, the wet roads and plants glistening in the sunlight. His new mouse friend was still under the nightstand. "You're still here?" It nodded. "Well, the storm is gone now. You can go home."

...The mouse shook. "You don't... wanna leave?" Nod. "You wanna stay here?" Nod. "Hmmm... I'm not sure if my mom will let me keep a mouse. If you stay, you'll have to take baths and learn to use the toilet." It shrugged. "But if you can do all that... I guess it would be okay. Hmm, but what should I name you?... I got it! I'll call you... Pipsqueak!"

". . . ." The mouse looked dumbfounded.

Oliver picked him up. "Come on, Pipsqueak." He carried him downstairs.

Moonbase Gym; present time

Sind Diego propped his foot on the giant soccerball. "All right, the score is 4-4! Only one team is gonna take home the goal!" Sind was in a team with Romeo, Jinta, Anthony, and Chris, playing against Karin, Morgiana, Ruby, Maddy, and Sheila. Anthony and Maddy were both goalies. "Get ready because I ain't holding back this time!" Sind kicked the ball to Chris, who sent it at Jinta, who kicked it right to Maddy, but she easily jumped in its way and blocked the giant ball.

Sheila rushed over and sent it to Karin with a mighty kick, who in turn sent it to Ruby, who jumped and used both feet to kick it at Anthony. Romeo jumped in the way and stopped it with his foot, and Chris kicked it at Sind, who charged a greater kick with the intent to bowl over Maddy. Just then, Morgiana flew up and kicked the ball at the exact opposite side and same time as Sind. The Fanalis's kick was superior to the giant's, so Sind toppled over, and Karin dealt a double-kick to send it to Anthony and bowl him over.

"YEAH! GIRLS WIN!" Ruby cheered.

"WHAT THE CRUD, SIND?!" Jinta shouted at the embarrassed giant. "I thought we had an advantage with you!"

"S-Sorry! Those girls are just scarier than I thought."

"You boys are lucky that we didn't ask Mocha to join." Maddy remarked. "You wouldn't have gotten a single point."

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