Chapter 6

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[Fair warning: This, it probably will...get grapic. Enjoy!]

[Stiles POV]

I don't turn back to look at Jackson. What I said was enough to scar him, so I'll leave it at that. I begin to walk out the locker room.

"What the hell-" That's all I manage to say before I get pushed into the sports equipment closet. I get slammed into the wall of back-up lacrosse jerseys.

"Don't speak," I hear the voice say.

"Lydia?!" A hand goes over my mouth and the other hand slaps me. I am pretty confused. Should I be enjoying this?

"Is that the only way to shut you up? By hurting you?" Yup. Definitely Lydia. "I can do that." She grabs me by the collar and throws me against the ground. She lands on top of me and starts kissing me. Her hands reach to my shirt and she begins to pull it up. Okay, I am so beyond confused now. What is happening?! "I heard-," she tries to talk to me inbetween kisses. "-what you said. To Jackson." She pulls my shirt over my head and begins to feel my chest. Her hands are so warm. For the first time during this whole session, I put my arms around her and start to kiss her, too. Really kiss her. Like a man should kiss a woman.

I'm a man.

And because I am a man, I shouldn't just take advantage of this. I mean, any other guy would, but Lydia doesn't deserve to have a cheap rebound. Damn you, conscience.

"Lydia," I try to pull away. I stand up. "I know you're vulnerable right now, but this, this isn't how anything should happen." It's still so dark in here. She reaches up and grabs the top of my jeans and pulls me on top of her.

"I don't care where it happens. I just want you, Stiles. Now." Oh good God. I am about to lose my virginity to Lydia Martin in the sports equipment closet at school.

There should be a movie about this.

"Take off my shirt," Lydia says. It takes me a moment to register what has just happened. I can honestly say that no one has ever said that to me before. "Take it off!" She yells this time. I grab the shirt by the bottom and pull it over her head, carefully, as not to ruin her perfectly curled hair. She rolls me over and sits with her legs spread on top of me. "That's more like it," she says.

[Scott POV]

"I don't care where it happens. I just want you, Stiles. Now." This is what I hear when I kick into my werewolf senses and give a good listen. I am walking with Allison down the hallway, but I stop for a moment to register that what I am hearing is Lydia Martin's voice.

"Scott, you okay?" Allison says to me. She still doesn't know that I am a werewolf. This is new to me, too, but I don't want to wrap her up into this supernatural world that I myself hardly understand. I think even Stiles understands it more than I do, and he's human.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll meet you in class, okay? I...forgot my book in my gym locker." She nods as I kiss her on the cheek and race towards the locker room. Where is this noise coming from? Suddenly, I hear more.

"I've wanted this a really long time, Lydia," I hear Stiles say. Is my best friend getting laid right now?

"I know, Stiles," she replies.

[Stiles POV]

"No, I don't think you understand. All I have wanted since the third grade, was you," I say to her. She sits back.

"What...what do you mean?"

"Third grade year. You walked into class with a small lily in your hair that just wouldn't stay. You always wanted to wear a flower in your hair like all the other girls, so you asked me to run and get you some glue." She unwraps her legs and sits up against the wall next to me. "I did. That was the first thing you had ever said to me. I watched you put glue into your own hair to get your flower to stay. And it did. You looked so beautiful. It was the first time I thought, 'Hey, maybe cooties don't exist." She reaches for my hand and intertwines our fingers. She leans her head on my shoulder. "Then Lacey-"

"That awful girl with the Dora the Explorer backpack?!"

"Yeah, that's the one." We both giggle for a moment. "Lacey pulled the flower out of your hair and took a hunk of your perfect hair with it. She didn't realize that it was glued in. You almost cried, but you didn't. You grabbed my hand and took me to the corner of the room, behind the bookshelf setup, and asked me to take every piece of dried glue out of your hair, piece by piece. Once I was done, you handed me the flower. 'Wait, you forgot this!' I said to you as you began to skip away. 'No, I didn't keep it. Think of it as a memory of the favor you have done me today.' And you left. I held that flower in my hand and realized that it was plastic. It look so real in your hair. You didn't need to be fake and plastic like the other girls, because being Lydia Martin was enough for you. And that was the first moment that I knew I loved you. And I haven't stopped ever since." There was a moment of silence after I finished. She grabbed the side of my face and turned me towards her.

"I love you," she whispers. She kisses me. It wasn't an elaborate, strong kiss, more soft and gentle. Yet, it was the most powerful and passionate kiss I have ever experienced.

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