Chapter 10

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[Jackson POV]

I run straight into Scott as I am walking away from Lydia. I honestly have no idea what is happening---to anyone. Or me. I do not know what is happening to me. But I do know one thing for sure.

Intimidation is key.

"You scammin' on Lydia still, McCall?" I ask Scott. I push his shoulders. He begins to back away.

"Jackson, we've been through this. I have zero interest in Lydia!" He replies.

"Oh, so you're calling my girlfriend unnattractive now?" He puts his hands behind his back.

"Jackson, not here. Not now."

[Stiles POV]

Derek is pulling me through the hallways when I notice Allison. She is leaning against the wall and looks awfully confused. I pull Derek's arm off of me and run to her.

"Allison, you alright? What's wrong?" I ask her. Derek stands still, watching.

"I don't know. Scott just..." she says to me.

"Scott just...what? What did Scott do?"

" do I put this...refused my advances?"

"I don't follow."

"I kind of came onto him, and he just ran away. He didn't really say much. He just...left." Something's not right. "Does he not like me anymore? Is there someone else?"

"No, no! Allison, he really, really likes you. If he left, he had good reason." A tear rolls down her cheek. "Don't cry, Allison. He likes you. Let me find him." She nods and I begin to speed walk down a crowded hallway. Derek doesn't move. He just stays standing in that hallway.

Then I see Scott. And Jackson.

More specifically, Scott's hands behind his back.

"Oh, you don't want to do this now? What, you have something you don't want to share, McCall?" Jackson says to Scott. One glance at Scott's hands and I see it: claws are coming out.

I mean this in its most literal form.

"No, I just think that you are making something out of nothing," Scott says back. Way to go, bud. Keep it under control.

"Oh, is that what you think? Then you're about to see me make something out of nothing!" Jackson yells as he throws a punch at Scott. Scott dives left and Jackson, in turn, hits a dark haired guy. I think his name is Matt. I sit near him in history. But I digress.

"What the hell?!" Matt says as he falls to the ground. Jackson ignores him and takes another swing at Scott. Just as he winds back his fist, Lydia runs over to me and grabs my arm. Derek also steps between Jackson and Scott. Jackson punches Derek in the shoulder and Derek doesn't budge. I don't like the guy, but he sure is a badass.

"Back off," Derek says sharply to Jackson. Jackson begins to step away and looks over towards Lydia and I. Allison runs over and helps Matt up off of the ground along with Scott.

"I'm not going to sit back and be a part in this horror movie any longer," Lydia whispers into my ear. She tears off her necklace and throws it to the ground in front of Jackson. I know that necklace. It's a thin silver chain with a diamond studded "J" on it.

Maybe it's a crazy guess, but I am going to assume that the "J" stands for "Jackson".

Lydia grabs the back of my head and turns me towards her. She checks to ensure that Jackson is looking before she kisses me. It wasn't some silly peck. It was a real kiss. The kind you see in movies. And, for a moment, I feel as though no one else is in that hallway. Just me and her. Her and I.

Up until I am pulled away from her and punched in the face by Jackson.

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