Chapter 2

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Lydia pulls her hands off of my leather jacket. Her hand reaches for the door, but I put my hand on hers. She looks up at me, giving me a strange look that I had never seen before.

"I know you're doing your best to keep this a secret, Stiles. But at some point, you and I both know that you'll want to tell the world about us," Lydia says to me.

"I have been wanting to tell people about everything since the first time this happened! But I haven't, have I?"

"Everybody has a breaking point." Guess she's right; I never thought my heart had a breaking point until just now.


"Stiles, no. Just...just don't anymore." A tear lands on my hand, and it's not mine. She opens the door and tries to walk away from the Jeep inconspicuously. Thoughts are racing through my mind. Lydia obviously doesn't want people to know about us. But that's not what scares me. What scares me is that I don't think that she wants to recognize that there is an "us". Or maybe I'm just not coming to terms that there never was.

"Oh my God!" I yell loudly. "Damn you, Scott! Now I might have to change my shorts!" Scott thought it would be fun to scare me by hitting the side of my car with his lacrosse stick.

"Calm down. I have some news. I think a wolf bit me last night."

"A wolf bit you? No. Impossible."

-- [Lydia's POV]

Stop crying. Damn it, Lydia, stop crying, I think to myself. Jackson is going to know something's going on. I catch my heel on a crack in the pavement. Great. This is not my day. I dust myself off and start my trek up to the front of the school. To make matters worse, Stiles is standing there, having what seems to be an intense conversation with Scott McCall. He's cute, but a not on my radar really. Then again, neither was Stiles.

"--since the birth of Lydia Martin. Hey Lydia! You look-" Stiles says to me in the middle of his conversation with Scott. I don't even look at him. I feel bad about it, but I remind myself how important it is to stay on top of the social ladder. "-like you're gonna ignore me." Stiles finishes. I run into Jackson, suddenly. He leans in to kiss me. Jackson is gorgeous. He has a strong jawline and perfect eyes and hair. But he's a douchebag, and everyone knows it. But I suppose that's the price you pay to be king of the castle, just like I'm the queen. This is why I was suprised when my king pulled away before his lips even touched mine.

"What did you do this morning?" Jackson asks me. I look left, then right, as though looking for something to inspire an answer.

"Got ready for school, picked up a latte, and here I am!" I reply and go back in for another kiss. He pulls away again.

"No, I mean, who were you with?" I drop my head and it hits me: I smell like Stiles' cologne. Quite heavely, actually. The man practically bathes in it.

"Only the people at the coffee shop. I have to go." I flip my hair and strut away. I turn around just in time to see Jackson recognize the scent I have on me, look at Stiles, and clench his fist.

Hope you guys enjoyed Chapter 2! Keep posted for another chapter tomorrow :)

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