Chapter 3: Wait, you have a tail too?

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"4,997...4,998...4,999" He paused, trying hard to get to 5,000 push-ups "Hn!" his arms gave up from underneath him. "Shit! What am I gonna do now, hn?" Ding, his computer's notification sound went off. "Hn...I guess that answers that question." he'd been waiting for a reply for a roommate offer, he had just moved to downtown Nozawa, in District of Horikawa. The house was pretty much your average 2 bedroom apartment, but he'd gotten lucky with the purchase and didn't know much about paying a mortgage. So he set up a post on KureiguList for roommate applications, people willing to split the mortgage with him. 

"Akinari, hn? Jeez, I hope he likes me..." he paused "Hn, what am I thinking, this is gonna be lame..." he shrugged and responded to the weirdly named man and sent the address for him to come.

Russel. His name is Russel. He is 19 years old, about to be 20 in 1 month. He has jet black hair, much like Gohan from Cell Games, a scar on his left cheek going straight up to the corner of his eyes which were also black.  He bears a black gi with white highlights, his torso and pants were black but his belt, as well as his undershirt and wristbands, were offwhite. He has a medium sized dark longsword strapped to his back, with the scabbard and blade being dark grey. His sword was one of a kind being made from scratch using meteor metals, steel, and even a magnesium alloy giving the sword some lightness to it. He is a very outspoken man, but like all people, he brings his own emotional baggage. Inferiority... For years he has tried to stay at the top of his game, often trying to be the best in everything, but like the night, it comes creeping in slowly but nevertheless surely. His height and appearance play a part too, being 5'5 after all. Despite this he is a strong-willed man, often either training, studying, practicing for hours until his body had to shut itself down. Russel is certainly an interesting man. Not to mention he was too a Saiyan but part of him was something else, something even he didn't know.


"Chapter 1; Laying plans...alright Sun Tzu...lets see if you're old strategies work to this day," Akinari said is a smirk. He was reading the "The Art of War" for observational purposes, seeing if it could be applied in today's time. 

He is a very stoic person, and super quiet, never quiet talking a lot very surprising for someone only 19 years old. Despite his lack of wanting any attention, his appearance certainly calls for it. He has medium length curly black hair, reaching to his eyelids and the base of his neck, his eyes are electric blue. He wears an olive green long-sleeved sweatshirt, black joggers and olive green basketball shoes. He grew up being tormented by other boys for his tail, he was a Saiyan after all but they didn't know it was just how he was. They had pulled on it, bit it, tried to even cut, paralyzing Akinari with emotionally and physically since that was his weak spot. They had bullied him, calling him offensive things because of his tail, his "deformity", as they called it. He then became more reserved and commenced his own training regiment to protect himself. He had trained every muscle, down to his tail muscles. No one was going to put him down again. He had defeated every bully that tried to come at him, and for that, he only gained more hate. "Freak, monster" all these names because he didn't want to be harmed again. Society was disgusting, he thought

He usually doesn't get along with others he meets a first and only really speaks with the people that he trusts. all this because of childhood agony. After a very unsettling dispute with his former roommate, he moved out and has been looking for an apartment to stay at. He had seen Russel's offer and taken it up, he'd figured this time he should try to get along with the guy. 

He picked up his coffee mug with his tail and brought it to his lips. "Ahhh...Black coffee, a mans coffee..." He washed his mug then went to bathe. After that, he went to the address.

"Huh? Nice city place...That's good." He said while flying over to the location.


Ring, ring 

"Hn, he must be here!" Russel rushed for the door, he had just finished cleaning out the house. He polished the floor, made food and had lavender candles burning to give the house a nice smell to it. He opened the door.

"Hn, welcome, Mr. Akinari! I hope the trip wasn't too bad, hn!"

Hmm, this guy is actually nice...but that could be because we just met. He thought. 

"Pleased to meet you, Mr. Russel." Akinari had shaken his hand, giving him a tight grip which surprisingly, didn't even phase him.

Russel smirked, this guy was strong. Pretty strong. And he had a-

"Hn?! Tail?!" Russel exclaimed

"Huh?" Akinari looked at his tail "Oh! Yeah...It's a long story, but basically I- Wai, you have a tail too?"

"Oh yeah, hn" Russel chuckled a bit "Yeah, it looks just like yours too, that's kinda"

"Weird," they said at the same time

They looked at each other, then back at their tails, then back to each other, then back at their tails.

"Yo...Name your favorite drink right now, we'll say it at the same time, hn." Russel declared


"Don't even think about it, hn!" Russel interrupted "Just...Ok,!" 

"Hetap!" they both blurted out.

"Oh, this is gonna be a great friendship..." Akinari stated

"Hn, yessir!"


The two got along pretty well, they talked about the strange abilities they shared and how the full moon makes them become more animal-like but allowed them to retain their senses. The two shared a dark past which haunts them to this day and managed to grow both better and worse from it. Russel having a crippling anxiety of being inferior, and Akinari of being rejected and harmed. Weakness was their weakness. They both had a longing for someone to talk to about this, but who else in the world could be like them. They only knew themselves. Surely, they'd meet more like them, and see that they aren't alone. Russel and Akinari would prove to be both the immovable object and the unstoppable force.

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