The love story

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In to 8th grade, In to a new school

knowing nothing about culture, acting like a fool

most thought I was odd, I didn't disagree

I never really fit in, Until I found people like me

three new friends, who can't live with out

three good people to laugh, love and shout

Even though the school was our own hell

it was one of my friends who broke me out of my shell

This was Alisha oddest of all

and it was upon her that my true love would fall

by the end of the year I will not debate

It was to her I wanted to date

In the 9th grade she was out of town

witch brought to all of my friend a big frown

For a long time I wanted her back to the school

A dance called homecoming would serve as my tool

and on that wonderful night we kissed our first time

I felt happy and weightless till the last clock did chime

but as she went back home, her I really did miss

Always remembering my first loves kiss

wasn't for a while till we saw each other

and there was a tension between one another

for then was the day she told me her feelings and all

and after she told me I didn't feel very tall

for she like me like I liked her before

but I was dating another, so this made me sore

But then out go nowhere on the day of my birth

that girl had dumped me, I felt a low worth

but Alisha was there to help me through

and soon we thought that dating each other was the right thing to do

It didn't last long for she lived far away

but that's not the end or you would not read this today

in the 10th grade she returned to the school

I was in shock and acted like a fool

I was a jerk witch I deeply regret

and she decided to forgive and forget

we dated again but for a short time

not even long enough to make a good rhyme

the rest of the year we either flirted or fought

then came 11th when oddities where wrought

I was stuck on a girl, with Ireland's name

A wonderful girl I thought I could tame

During this time Alisha was a bit sad

for she thought she missed the opportunity she had

but as this went on we where best of friends

joking around and making fun of trends

along came the 12th grade and the other girl dumped me

there was little crying and tears for it was meant to be

On the eve of Halloween I asked her to be mine

and as we dressed in our costumes the stars seemed to align

for she makes me happier than I have ever been

she makes me so happy it is almost a sin.

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