a world

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Her name is imagination. She lived, loved, and breathed it. She expected nothing more and nothing less in life. Everyone around her found her strange, she was bullied constantly and no one pulled punches. She grew up alone with no friends, or siblings to comfort her. But after awhile it just stopped bothering her. She just stopped caring about what others thought. But the only reason she was able to do that was because of her Imagination. Every time she closed her eyes she found herself in her own world. A world in space where it was just her, the planets, the milky way, and the universe.

This may seem lonely but not to her, to her it was amazing. She would talk to the planets and constellations to a point where she started to think of them as people, maybe even friends. Her favorite planet was Pluto, even though it wasn't considered a planet anymore. She had faith that one day it would take back its rightful place in the stars. On occasion she would push off of one of the planets and fly through space and it felt like she was really touching stardust. But all that was just in her dreams none of it was real. Although she wished with all her heart that maybe it was.

In her mind she knew that one day the planets would a line and all of her wishes would come true. But that day was not to come, not now not ever. Even though she had her world it was not enough to balance the horrible taunting, and cruelty. Imagination's spirit slowly died and she along with it. One day she let go and drifted away in space for what seemed like an eternity. But then she heard a voice. Soft at first but then louder as though it was getting closer. And she saw Pluto,and she was glowing, there but at the same time not there at all. " Imagination come on I know you better than this. You are not a person who would just let go." " but Pluto? When I open my eyes I will be thrust into a world where no one cares about me, where i'm an outsider."

" Imagination, open your eyes." " but Pluto?" " open your eyes your name is not just another name meant to be tossed around. Your name is an escape for everyone around you. So open your eyes." she slowly opened her eyes and saw a world that was filled with color and excitement. She was amazed, and curious. She went out into the world and forgot all about her other world. But that world remains for anyone who needs help

( thank you guys so much! I really hope you guys liked it! it's a bit different then my last story I didn't plan on updating this but I will on your request.

again thank you so much for the support I love you guys so much!

                                                ~ Pluto

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2018 ⏰

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